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Longships (LONG)

News di Agenzia

 Ti mostriamo gli articoli più rilevanti per la tua ricerca:LSE:LONG
19/11/201808:00RNS Non-RegulatoryLocation Sciences Group PLC US Sales Team Established for VerifyLSE:LONGLongships
17/07/201808:00RNS Non-RegulatoryLocation Sciences Group PLC Webinar Conference CallLSE:LONGLongships
09/04/201809:26RNS Non-RegulatoryLocation Sciences Group PLC New client updateLSE:LONGLongships
18/12/201708:00RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC Progress and Strategy UpdateLSE:LONGLongships
11/09/201708:01RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC Launch of Location SciencesLSE:LONGLongships
17/07/201708:00RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC Proxama signs agreement with Rail Delivery GroupLSE:LONGLongships
13/07/201708:00RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC Contract RenewalLSE:LONGLongships
25/05/201708:02RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC New ContractsLSE:LONGLongships
23/01/201708:00RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC New PartnershipLSE:LONGLongships
10/01/201708:00RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC Beacon network expansionLSE:LONGLongships
21/12/201608:00RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC New ContractLSE:LONGLongships
25/11/201608:00RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC 'Santa Forgot' campaign for Alzheimer's ResearchLSE:LONGLongships
04/05/201610:15RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC London Buses Advertising CampaignsLSE:LONGLongships
21/09/201508:00UK RegulatoryProxama PLC Half Yearly ReportLSE:LONGLongships
16/09/201508:01RNS Non-RegulatoryProxama PLC New contractLSE:LONGLongships
22/08/201312:54UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Result of GM and Change of Name to Proxama PlcLSE:LONGLongships
05/08/201313:06UK RegulatoryAIM Schedule 1 - Longships PlcLSE:LONGLongships
26/07/201308:00UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Resignation of DirectorLSE:LONGLongships
26/07/201308:00UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Details of recommended transactionLSE:LONGLongships
12/07/201308:00UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Half Yearly ReportLSE:LONGLongships
18/06/201308:00UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Change of AdviserLSE:LONGLongships
03/06/201317:29UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:LONGLongships
03/06/201311:10UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Total Voting RightsLSE:LONGLongships
24/05/201311:48UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Result of AGMLSE:LONGLongships
10/05/201316:03UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Issue of optionsLSE:LONGLongships
07/05/201312:30UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Completion of Fundraising and Issue of EquityLSE:LONGLongships
24/04/201315:51UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Final ResultsLSE:LONGLongships
21/12/201212:05UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:LONGLongships
18/12/201212:00UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Issue of EquityLSE:LONGLongships
23/08/201214:15UK RegulatoryLongships PLC Completion of B Share SchemeLSE:LONGLongships
 Ti mostriamo gli articoli più rilevanti per la tua ricerca:LSE:LONG

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