Data | Ora | Fonte | Titolo | Simbolo | Compagnia |
11/03/2024 | 13:30 | PR Newswire (US) | Recon Technology Secures US$3 Million in Contracts with Newly Developed Customer for Electronic Components and Materials | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
27/10/2023 | 22:30 | PR Newswire (US) | Recon Technology, Ltd Reports Financial Year Results for Fiscal Year 2023 | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
01/06/2023 | 14:32 | Edgar (US Regulatory) | Report of Foreign Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 (6-k) | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
28/04/2023 | 12:46 | Edgar (US Regulatory) | Annual and Transition Report (foreign Private Issuer) (20-f) | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
01/02/2023 | 12:05 | Edgar (US Regulatory) | Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a) | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
29/08/2022 | 12:15 | Edgar (US Regulatory) | Notification Filed by a National Securities Exchange to Report the Removal From Listing and Registration of Matured , Redeemed or Retired Securities (25) | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
12/08/2022 | 12:26 | Dow Jones News | Five U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies Seek to Delist From NYSE | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
28/07/2022 | 14:55 | Dow Jones News | INEOS Signs Deals With Sinopec to Invest $7 Billion in China | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
05/07/2022 | 14:43 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec acquiert des billions de mètres cubes de gaz de schiste dans le sud-ouest du Sichuan, en Chine | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
04/07/2022 | 08:10 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Acquires Trillion Cubic Meters of Shale Gas Resources in Southwestern Sichuan, China | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
01/04/2022 | 00:43 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec accueille une conférence annuelle sur le rendement de 2021, incitant à adopter une croissante verte et à créer des avantages concurrentiels à faibles émissions de carbone | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
31/03/2022 | 11:48 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Hosts 2021 Annual Performance Conference, Calls To Embrace Green Evolution and Build Low-Carbon Competitive Advantages | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
31/01/2022 | 18:16 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec finalise le premier projet de captage de mégatonnes de carbone à grande échelle en Chine | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
29/01/2022 | 14:22 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Completes China's First Megaton Scale Carbon Capture Project | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
17/12/2021 | 03:44 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Percée stratégique majeure de Sinopec dans l'exploration du pétrole de schiste : trois puits d'exploration situés dans le bassin de Subei ont enregistré un débit pétrolier record de 350 millions de tonnes de réserves estimées | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
16/12/2021 | 05:55 | PR Newswire (US) | Major Strategic Breakthrough of Sinopec's Shale Oil Exploration: Three Prospecting Wells in Subei Basin Record High Oil Flow with 350 Million Tons of Estimated Reserves | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
01/12/2021 | 07:11 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec met en œuvre le plus grand projet au monde de construction d'une usine photovoltaïque de production d'hydrogène vert à Kucha, au Xinjiang | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
30/11/2021 | 13:14 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Lands World's Largest Photovoltaic Green Hydrogen Production Project in Kuqa, Xinjiang | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
18/11/2021 | 06:14 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec réussit la première application industrielle de la technologie de vapocraquage du pétrole brut en Chine | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
17/11/2021 | 13:56 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Successfully Completes China's First Industrial Application of Crude Oil Steam-Cracking Technology | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
05/11/2021 | 01:28 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec signe un contrat à long terme avec Venture Global LNG | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
04/11/2021 | 18:00 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec exploite le pétrole de schiste dans le champ pétrolifère Shengli, dont les réserves sont estimées à 458 millions de tonnes | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
04/11/2021 | 12:12 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Signs Long-term Contract with Venture Global LNG | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
03/11/2021 | 14:14 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Exploits Shale Oil in Shengli Oilfield with Estimated Reserves of 458 Million Tons | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
01/11/2021 | 15:52 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Le puits de prospection ultraprofond de Sinopec produira 400 000 mètres cubes de gaz de schiste par jour | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
01/11/2021 | 06:38 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec's Ultradeep Prospecting Well to Produce 400,000 Cubic Meters of Shale Gas Daily | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
19/10/2021 | 18:16 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Sinopec met en service le plus grand groupe d'installations de stockage de gaz, d'une capacité de 10 milliards de mètres cubes, dans le nord de la Chine | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
18/10/2021 | 13:13 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Puts Largest Gas Storage Cluster in North China into Operation, Providing 10 Billion Cubic Meters of Gas Storage | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
11/10/2021 | 16:50 | PR Newswire (Canada) | Le champ de gaz de schiste Fuling de Sinopec établit un nouveau record de production cumulative de 40 milliards de mètres cubes | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |
09/10/2021 | 13:40 | PR Newswire (US) | Sinopec Fuling Shale Gas Field Sets New Cumulative Production Record of 40 Billion Cubic Meters | NYSE:SNP | China Petroleum and Chemical Corp |