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OK06ETT Base

Stato Attvo
Tipo di Attività: Moneta
Sito: https://support.okex.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004437872-OK06ETT-Launch
Portafoglio: https://www.okex.com/account/login?forward=%2Fwallet%2Fopen%2Findex.do
Comunicazioni: https://support.okex.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003100971-Introduction-to-OK06ETT
Descrizione: OK06ETT is an Exchange-Traded Tracker (ETT) issued by crypto exchange OKEx. An ETT tracks an index by directly buying the underlying tokens of the index, replicating the performance of an index as efficient and accurate as possible. OKEx selected 5 popular tokens including BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, and EOS, along with the global utility token OKB to construct the OK06 index by using a capitalization-weighted methodology.

OK06ETT Tecnici

Sorgente Codice:
Estraibile: No
Tipo di Lavoro: -
Pre Minaggio: Sconosciuto
Data della Creazione: 05 Giugno 2018
Rifornimento Massimo: 2.000.000 OK06ETT

OK06ETT Social

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