eBTC [Old] (EBTC0)

Non elencato

eBTC [Old] Base

Stato Attvo
Tipo di Attività: Token
Sito: https://medium.com/@eBTCFoundation/ebtc-token-swap-announcement-7350ca28ba42
Esplora: https://etherscan.io/token/0x2fd41f516fac94ed08e156f489f56ca3a80b04d0
Portafoglio: https://www.myetherwallet.com/
Comunicazioni: https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://www.ebtctoken.org/token-swap-v1.pdf
Descrizione: The original eBTC token contract contained a coding error that could create more tokens than the originally intended 21M. The old smart contract could not be modified and redeployed. A new smart contract was created where token holders will be credited the same number of new secure eBTC tokens.

eBTC [Old] Tecnici

Sorgente Codice: https://github.com/eBTCCommunityTrustToken
Estraibile: No
Tipo di Lavoro: -
Piattaforma: Ethereum
Pre Minaggio: Sconosciuto
Data della Creazione: 30 Settembre 2017
Rifornimento Massimo: 21.000.000 EBTC0

eBTC [Old] Blockchain Dati

Aggiornato Wed, 24 Apr 2019 01:06:26
Rifornimento Circolante: 21.000.000

eBTC [Old] Social

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