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Syria, Iran And Taiwan To Bite The Dust.

- 03/11/2004 22:54
deadalus N° messaggi: 26 - Iscritto da: 04/3/2004
Israel to take care of business in Iran.

Syria regime change.

North Korea to capitulate, (aka Libya) and co-exist, because it is felt they have effectively weaponised nuclear material.

Taiwan expendable for the sake of China's positive relationship with US and West.


Chronological sequence.

Iran (immediate).

Taiwan (short term).

Syria, mid-term (regime change preferred).

North Korea mid/long term (regime change preferred).

Time legend.

Immediate. 3-8 months

Short term 12 to 18 months

Medium term 18 months to 5 years

Long Term 5 to 15 years.

Political projection.

Hilary Clinton next President.

Gorden Brown next British Prime Minister.

Europe made ineffective by european commission. (Limited trade sanctions likely).

UN irrelevant. Can be monetized.

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4 Commenti
1 di 4 - 04/11/2004 11:03
Mr Homer J Simpson N° messaggi: 213 - Iscritto da: 08/12/2002
"Syria, Iran and Taiwan to bite the dust."

Along with the US economy as the deficit grows with your war mongering prez.....

I think you've got to look a little deeper into the UN and Europe. One may loose power, but the other will gain. I'll leave it to you to decide which.
2 di 4 - 04/11/2004 11:46
wizerd5761 N° messaggi: 14 - Iscritto da: 26/10/2004
Hilary Clinton will not become president, she is not liked in the U.S. as much as the world seems to think..
MODERATO kingfish (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 35 - Iscritto da: 13/12/2000
4 di 4 - 04/11/2004 17:23
tycoontony N° messaggi: 514 - Iscritto da: 17/3/2004
What a bad time to burn the flag, just as Bush wins a second term. And the sinister sad women hooded in black.

Action against Iran will hit stocks, I am just waiting for them to over reach themselves after the Election eurphoria subsides.

The big question is who replace Rumsfeld and Powell? Big Hawks? If so we know we are in for some very heavy 4 years. Probably longer. In which case I can't see the markets do much apart from ranging sideways and general economic growth moving ahead, but very slowly. Not such a bad thing.
4 Commenti

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