Amaro, Italy, 15 March 2012 - - - - - - - - - - Consolidated revenues: from 99.27 million to 93.81 million, -5.5% Consolidated gross profit: from 50.41 million to 46.54 million Consolidate Adj EBITDA: from 6.81 million to 4.0 million Consolidated EBITDA: from 7.39 million to 3.09 million Consolidated EBIT: from -0.74 million to -4.87 million Consolidated pre-tax loss: from -3.81 million to -6.61 million Group net loss: from -6.08 million to -7.25 million Net financial debt: 14.33 million Group shareholders' equity: 135.0 million Eurotech S.p.A.: net loss from -0.52 million to ­18.49 million

The Board of Directors of Eurotech S.p.A has today examined and approved the draft Statutory Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2011, which will be presented to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting. The Group posted a decrease in revenues of 5.5%, falling from 99.27 million in 2010 to 93.81 million in 2011. This decrease was the result of a combination of factors and events, attributable to the adverse macroeconomic situation and is explained below. Long-term, Eurotech's geographic coverage of three continents has been an asset because it allows the Group to maximise its chances of seizing business opportunities wherever they arise and to balance out the effects of poor economic performance in a given region. However, this was not evident in 2011 as each geographic segment in which we have a significant operations was hit, although to different extent, by adverse events: the US came close to defaulting, Europe suffered from a debt and Euro crisis, and Japan experienced an earthquake and subsequent devastating tsunami. Naturally, we could not have foreseen such widespread negative scenarios across our three key regions. Consequently, from March onwards Eurotech's management dealt with an increasingly adverse global setting, one that was markedly different from that projected at end-2010 and that had been initially confirmed by good order levels in the first two months of the year. The uniformly unfavourable macroeconomic situation put strong constraints on our ability to generate sales and this inevitably resulted in a small contraction in revenues of 5.5%.

EUROTECH spa Via F. Solari, 3/A 33020 Amaro (UD) - ITALY Tel. +39 0433 485411 ­ Fax. +39 0433 485455

In particular, the Group's fourth quarter was not as strong as in 2010. Historically, the last quarter of the year posts the major part of revenues, which are concentrated in the month of December. The recovery in the global macroeconomic situation noted at the end of 2010 did not continue during 2011. In fact, it stalled further in the important second and third quarters. The last quarter of 2011 was our strongest quarter, but revenues still fell below those of the fourth quarter of 2010. Due to the fact that in our operative model the majority of costs are fixed, it's important for us to remain above the operating leverage activation threshold: for a level of costs equal to that of 2011, the leverage is activated above 100103 million, depending on gross profit margin. Therefore, 93.81 million in revenues was insufficient to generate significant EBITDA, with inevitable consequences for the Group's final profit margin.

Geographic performance North America posted a dip in both sales and orders, particularly from July onwards, coinciding with the time in which the attention paid to the nation's possible default reached its zenith. The extensive political debate on the subject and the last-minute corrective measures meant public and private investment stalled until late autumn, affecting our ability to develop the sales anticipated in the second half of the year. The situation now seems to have returned to normal and we intend to confirm this after in the coming months. The sector most affected by the risk of default in the US was defence. Our business was affected by budgets being shifted between programmes more than by the overall cut in spending, which particularly affected operational missions and large new projects. This resulted in the cancellation of some deliveries scheduled for the second half of the year, forcing us to go in search of new orders, with further effects on the likelihood of Parvus generating the fourth-quarter sales that were initially forecast. There is also some good news, as often happens following a radical change in scenario: with the reallocation of defence-programme budgets, many opportunities have returned and if we can take advantage of them we will be able, in the coming years, to recapture the success enjoyed by Parvus since we acquired it in 2003. Europe continued to feel the effects of the financial crisis and the pressures on the Euro, limiting the ability and the will of companies and governments to invest in new development programmes. We believe that, in principle, Europe is still a market with a good potential for our solutions, even if this potential is currently struggling to be seen, with inevitable negative effects on the revenues generated by Eurotech in the region. The Japanese market was greatly affected by the blow inflicted upon the nation by the tsunami. An economic blackout of the Japanese economy in spring 2011 caused orders to be postponed, some to the following year. As a result, Japan's contribution to total sales was lower than expected. However, the outlook for the Japanese economy in 2012 is good. The reconstruction is underway and, as happened in the past, this should generate GDP growth that more than offsets the lack of growth in 2011 caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

HPC Business Unit With regard to the HPC (High Performance Computing) business unit, in July Selex Elsag placed a large order for an Aurora solution to be used in cybersecurity applications. Not only is the order worth around 4 million, but it is also important because it demonstrates other possible uses for the Aurora platform besides the university and researchinstitute applications that have characterised our HPC business in the past. From the very start, the Aurora architecture was conceived to be effectively used also in industrial and service sectors, and the application in the field of

cybersecurity confirms that our initial vision was correct. The HPC strategic business unit's contribution to total sales increased in 2011 compared to 2010 and we expect this trend to continue in 2012.

In summary, the level of sales in 2011 is not attributable to a single factor or event but to the combined effect of a number of factors and events, in confirmation of the general unfavourable environment during the year. Management is continuing to monitor the macroeconomic situation closely. As it did in 2011, in the first months of 2012 management is taking steps to make the structure more efficient and thereby lower the operating leverage activation threshold. Specific initiatives are also underway to find new business opportunities and increase sales beyond this threshold. We are therefore working on two fronts so that the operating leverage can eventually give the desired results in terms of profit margins. The considerable efforts made over the last three years to create an integrated and cohesive Group have been crucial in this respect, and the recent inclusion of Dynatem Inc. as a catalyst for further technical and commercial synergies between the United States and Japan is just one more reason to take a positive view of the future.

Financial performance Gross profit was 49.6%, just few fractions of percentage point under management's 50% benchmark. The change compared to the previous year, when gross profit was 50.8%, is due to the diverse mix of products sold, which have different profit margins depending on their type as well as the sectors and geographical markets in which they are sold. In particular, this was influenced by the lower contribution of US defence sales, which have margins considerably higher than the Group average. A low-margin one-off order of around $1.5 million placed in the fourth quarter and not offset, as initially forecast, by an equivalent higher margin delivery in the defence sector was also a drag. The greater contribution of the HPC strategic business unit also had an impact, since generally, sales being equal, HPC SBU has higher COGS and lower OPEX than the NanoPC SBU; however, this gross profit margin of less than 50% is offset by a recovery of margins at the EBITDA level. Before adjustments for internal increases and non-recurring costs, operating costs fell by 1.7 million, from 47.25 million (with operating costs as a percentage of revenues at 47.6%) to 45.55 (with operating costs as a percentage of revenues at 48.6%), not accounting for non-recurring costs, and to 46.46 million accounting for non-recurring costs. This considerable reduction in costs is the result of a path undertaken several years ago. The 2009 crisis was an opportunity for Eurotech to learn how to considerably streamline its structure, mainly preserving two fundamental pillars of our business model: the ability to generate innovations and the ability to sustain rapid growth in sales when opportunities arise. We did not act blindly, taking drastic cost cutting measures, because it was essential that we preserve the pillars on which our competitiveness is founded. But, with great determination and consistency, we gradually and inexorably implemented a streamlining strategy that we can now say, looking back over the past three years, has worked. Cost reductions of 1.7 million in 2011 alone in tangible proof of that. The management remains focused on the streamlining of the operating structure, carried out in 2011 and that will also produce benefits in 2012. Meanwhile, in parallel with cost cutting we have also invested in activities that are expected to provide returns in the coming years, always with the aim of keeping the pace on the innovative drive that is our hallmark. With reference to our capability to generate revenues, the current structure can sustain higher sales than current levels with only minor changes to the workforce and without making any changes to infrastructure. EBITDA fell from 6.81 million in 2010 to 4.0 million (gross of adjustments for 0.91 million resulting from non-recurring costs linked to the recall of a custom product). Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of revenues was 4.3% in 2011,

compared with EBITDA as a percentage of revenues of 6.9% in 2010. Non-adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of revenues was 3.3%. The year-on-year change is mainly attributable to the reduction in sales, as well as to the decrease in other revenues, which in 2010 included a capital gain on sales of shareholdings of 0.6 million, grants of 0.2 million and the greater impact of adjustments to costs for capitalisation. EBIT fell from -0.74 in 2010 to -4.87 million in 2011. EBIT as a percentage of revenues was -5.2% in 2011 compared to -0.7% in 2010. EBIT in 2011 was affected by the EBITDA already commented on above and the depreciation & amortisation posted to the income statement in 2011. The non-monetary impact of the price allocation relating to the acquisition of Eurotech Inc. (formerly Applied Data Systems Inc. and formerly Arcom Control Systems Inc.), Dynatem Inc. and the Advanet Group on EBIT was 3.45 million in 2011, compared to 3.37 million in 2010.

The pre-tax loss in 2011 was -6.61 million (vs. a loss of -3.81 million in 2010). This performance was influenced by the factors outlined above. The price allocation and the evaluation of the put option (the latter relating to 2010 only) had an impact on the pre-tax result of 3.45 million in 2011 and 4.57 million in 2010.

The Group net loss came to -7.25 million in 2011, compared with a net loss of -6.08 million in 2010. This performance reflects not only the pre-tax result, but also the tax burden on the various units. Price allocation had a 0.84million effect on Group net results in 2011 (2010: 3.03 million).

At 31 December 2011 the Group had net financial debt of 14.33 million compared to 8.64 million at end-2010. Despite this trend, the company generated a positive cash flow from operating activities, which were more than offset by use of financial resources for investments.

Group shareholders' equity amounted to 135.04 million (2010: 131.52 million) and is equal to the consolidated shareholders' equity, since there are no more minority interests to take into consideration (in 2010, the consolidated shareholders' equity was 135.48 million).

Statutory Financial Statements of the Eurotech S.p.A. Parent Company Revenues totalled 13.36 million, compared to 11.19 million in 2010, an increase of 19.4%. The net result was -18.49 million, compared with -0.52 million in 2010. 2011 net result was affected by depreciation of shereholdings for 13.54 million. Shareholders' equity at 31 December 2011 was 89.19 million, compared with 107.71 million in 2010. The Parent Company had a net debt of 7.5 million, compared with 0.7 million at end-2010.

Pursuant to Article 154-bis, Paragraph 2, of the Italian Consolidated Finance Act, the Financial Reporting Manager, Sandro Barazza, hereby declares that the financial disclosure contained in this press release corresponds to the Company's documentary evidence, corporate books, and accounting records. *** The Board has also approved the Corporate Governance Report containing information on the ownership structure pursuant to Article 123-bis of the Italian Consolidated Finance Act which will be published within the deadlines and in accordance with the methods provided for by current regulations. *** In accordance with the new provisions of Article 154-ter, Paragraphs 1 and 1-bis, of the Italian Consolidated Finance Act, the annual financial report including the draft statutory and consolidated financial statements, the management report, the corporate governance report and the declaration of the Financial Reporting Manager, together with the reports of the Independent Auditor and the Board of Statutory Auditors, will be published no later than 30 March 2012.

THE EUROTECH GROUP Eurotech is a global company (ETH.MI) that integrates hardware, software, services and expertise to deliver embedded computing platforms and sub-systems to leading OEMs, system integrators and enterprise customers for successful and efficient deployment of their products and services. Drawing on concepts of minimalist computing, Eurotech lowers power draw, minimizes physical size and reduces coding complexity to bring sensors, embedded platforms, subsystems, ready-to-use devices and high performance computers to market, specializing in defense, transportation, industrial and medical segments. By combining domain expertise in wireless connectivity as well as communications protocols, Eurotech architects platforms that simplify data capture, processing and transfer over unified communications networks. Our customers rely on us to simplify their access to state-of-art embedded technologies so they can focus on their core competencies. Learn more about Eurotech at Company contacts: Investor relations Andrea Barbaro Tel. +39 0433 485411 e-mail: Corporate Press Office Cristiana della Zonca Tel. +39 0433 485411 e-mail: International Press Office Jana Sanchez, CitySavvy Tel. +44 20 7395 1000 or +44 7985 917 060 e-mail:



OPERATING RESULTS (/ 000) Re ve nue s from sales of products and services Cos t of materials Gr os s profit Ser v ic e costs Leas e & hire costs Pay r oll costs Other provisions and other costs Other revenues EBITDA ADJ (*) Non recurrent (costs) revenues EBITDA (**) Depr ec iation & amortisation A s s et impairment Ope r at ing profit (EBIT) Shar e of associates' profit of equity Financ e expense Financ e income Pr of it before taxes Inc ome tax Ne t profit (loss) before m inor it y inerest M inor it y interest Gr oup net profit (loss) for period Bas e earnings (losses) per share Dilut e d earnings (losses) per share

F Y 2011


F Y 2010


93,806 ( 47,266) 46,540 ( 16,483) ( 2,464) ( 25,378) ( 1,229) 3,014 4,000 ( 910) 3,090 ( 7,708) ( 257) ( 4,875) 123 ( 7,840) 5,979 ( 6,613) ( 633) ( 7,246) 0 ( 7,246) ( 0.206) ( 0.206)

100.0% - 50.4% 49.6% - 17.6% - 2.6% - 27.1% - 1.3% 3.2% 4.3% - 1.0% 3.3% - 8.2% - 0.3% - 5.2% 0.1% - 8.4% 6.4% - 7.0% - 0.7% - 7.7% 0.0% - 7.7%

99,269 ( 48,863) 50,406 ( 17,042) ( 2,377) ( 26,447) ( 1,385) 3,654 6,809 585 7,394 ( 7,851) ( 284) ( 741) ( 1,630) ( 4,822) 3,380 ( 3,813) ( 2,200) ( 6,013) 66 ( 6,079) ( 0.173) ( 0.173)

100.0% - 49.2% 50.8% - 17.2% - 2.4% - 26.6% - 1.4% 3.7% 6.9% 0.6% 7.4% - 7.9% - 0.3% - 0.7% - 1.6% - 4.9% 3.4% - 3.8% - 2.2% - 6.1% 0.1% - 6.1%

( *) Profit before non recurrent cost, depreciation, amortization, interests and tax (EBITDA) ( **) Profit before depreciation, amortization, interests and tax (EBITDA)

('000) at December 31, 2011 at Decem b er 31, 2010

ASSETS Intangible assets Pr oper ty , Plant and equipment Inv es tments in affiliate companies Inv es tments in other companies Def er r ed tax assets Other non current financial assets Medium/long term borrow ing allow ed to affiliates companies and other Group companies Other non-current assets To t al non-current assets Inv entor ies Contr ac ts in progress Tr ade receivables Inc ome tax receivables Other current assets Rec eiv ables from affiliates companies Shor t term borrow ing allow ed to affiliates companies and other Group companies Cas h & cash equivalents To t al current assets To t al assets 125,922 5,897 278 270 1,439 226 0 843 134,875 23,734 2,356 26,724 938 2,569 1,163 178 13,596 71,258 206,133 120,328 6,582 308 230 1,658 236 636 1,018 130,996 21,587 257 28,962 1,879 3,305 9 0 23,751 79,750 210,746

LIABILIT IES AND EQUITY Shar e capital Shar e premium reserve Other reserves Gr o up shareholders' equity Eq u it y attributable to m ino r it y interest To t al shareholders' equity Medium- /long- ter m borrow ing Employ ee benefit obligations Def er r ed tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities To t al non-current liabilities Tr ade payables Shor t- ter m borrow ing Der iv ativ e instruments Inc ome tax liabilities Other current liabilities Bus ines s combination liabilities To t al current liabilities To t al liabilities To t al liabilities and equity 8,879 136,400 ( 10,236) 135,043 0 135,043 10,482 1,718 12,111 1,586 25,897 18,388 17,253 376 1,731 7,229 216 45,193 71,090 206,133 8,879 136,400 ( 13,761) 131,518 3,966 135,484 22,873 1,681 12,307 2,225 39,086 18,824 8,985 339 1,214 5,748 1,066 36,176 75,262 210,746


Sh ar e capital ('000) B al an ce as at December 31, 2010 8,879

L eg al reserve

Sh ar e premium reserve

C o n ver si o n reserve

Oth er reserves

C ash flow hedge reserve

Exch an g e rate differences reserve ( 777) ( 1,340) ( 6,079) Tr easu r y shares Pr o fi t (loss) for period

Gr o u p shareholders' equity

M i n o r i ty interest capital & reserves 3,900

Pr o fi t third parties 66

Eq u i ty to Minority interest 3,966

(loss) of attributable

To tal shareholders' equity




( 31,203)

( 339)



2010 Result allocation Profit (loss) as at December 31, 2011 Comprehens i ve other profit (loss) - Hedge transactions - Foreign balance sheets conversion diff erenc e - Exchange diff erenc es on equity method - Exchange diff erenc es on equity investments in f oreign companies Comprehensive result Minority purchase





( 6,079)







( 66)











( 7,246)

( 7,246)




( 7,246)




8,576 8,576 -

( 18) ( 18) 1,597

( 37)



( 7,246) -

( 37) 8,576 ( 18) 653 1,928 1,597

( 3,966)


( 3,966)

( 37) 8,576 ( 18) 653 1,928 ( 2,369)

( 37) -

653 653 -

B al an ce as at September 30, 2011





( 35,703)

( 376)

( 124)

( 1,340)

( 7,246)







at December 31, at December 31, ('000) Cas h & cash equivalents Cas h equivalent Shor t term borrow ing allow ed to affiliates companies Der iv ativ e instruments Shor t- ter m borrow ing Bus ines s aggregation liabilities Shor t - t e r m financial position Shor t - t e r m net financial position Medium/long term borrow ing allow ed to affiliates companies Bus ines s aggregation liabilities Other non current financial assets Medium/long term borrow ing M e dium - /long- t e r m net financial position A B=A C D E F G=C+D+E+F H=B+G I J K L M =I+J+K+L 2011 ( 13,596) ( 13,596) ( 178) 376 17,253 216 17,667 4,071 0 0 ( 226) 10,482 10,256 2010 ( 23,751) ( 23,751) 0 339 8,985 1,066 10,390 ( 13,361) ( 636) 0 ( 236) 22,873 22,001






at Decem b er at December 31, ('000) 31, 2011 (b ) 2010 (a) C h an g es (b -a)

Inventories Contr ac ts in progress Tr ade receivables Rec eiv ables from affiliates companies Inc ome tax receivables Other current assets Cur r ent assets Tr ade payables Inc ome tax liabilities Other current liabilities Cur r ent liabilities Ne t w or k ing capital

23,734 2,356 26,724 1,163 938 2,569 57,484 ( 18,388) ( 1,731) ( 7,229) ( 27,348) 30,136

21,587 257 28,962 9 1,879 3,305 55,999 ( 18,824) ( 1,214) ( 5,748) ( 25,786) 30,213

2,147 2,099 ( 2,238) 1,154 ( 941) ( 736) 1,485 436 ( 517) ( 1,481) ( 1,562) ( 77)

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