enses included a benefit deriving from the recognition of deferred tax assets on tax losses for that period equal to 1.4 million. Consolidated net income amounted to 1.7 million (2.4% of consolidated revenues) in the first half of 2013, down by 52.3% compared to a net income of 3.6 million in the first half of 2012, but showing a significant increase compared to a consolidated net loss of 0.2 million in the second half of 2012. In this semester, net income per ordinary share and per savings share were equal to 0.0461 and 0.1385 respectively; in the corresponding period of the previous year, net income per ordinary share and per savings share were equal to 0.1557 and 0.1725 respectively. The consolidated net financial position as at June 30, 2013 was negative and equal to 39.3 million (cash equal to 15.8 million and net financial liabilities equal to 55.1 million), compared with a negative net financial position of 16.3 million as at December 31, 2012 (cash equal to 22.6 million and net financial liabilities equal to 38.9 million). This worsening, in addition to the negative performance of operating activities (-1.3 million4) was due to the payment of dividends (about -10 million) and to the expenditure for the acquisition of the "hydrogen purifiers" business by Power & Energy, Inc. (-7.6 million, of which -2.4 million already paid and -5.2 million to be paid in two tranches at the beginning of 2014 and 2015). In the semester there were also net outflows for investment activities in tangible and intangible assets equal to -2.9 million. The exchange rate effect was negative (approximately -0.2 million): in fact, almost all of the Group's financial debt is made of loans in U.S. dollar held by the American subsidiaries and its equivalent value in euro has increased following the revaluation of the U.S. dollar as at June 30, 2013 compared to December 31, 2012. The operating cash flow was negative and equal to 1.3 million in the first half of 2013: the self-financing was not enough to offset the negative change in the net working capital, heavily affected by the increase in the volume of activities in the Semiconductors Business and by the operating weakness that characterized the

For further details please see the comment on the operating cash flow. 8

SAES Group­ Press Release

last period of 2012. However, please note that the operating cash flow, that was strongly negative in the first quarter (-6.6 million), became positive in the second quarter (+5.4 million). As at June 30, 2013, following the failure to comply with certain financial covenants5 in place, the long-term portion of loans held by the American subsidiaries Memry Corporation and SAES Smart Materials, Inc. has been reclassified as current. The SAES Group has about 5 months available (grace period) to emend the default condition, after which, if the non-compliance persists, the value of such covenants will have to be renegotiated with the financing institution in order to avoid the call of the debt. However, please note that such renegotiation is already ongoing and at June 30, 2013 the Group held enough cash and cash equivalents and credit lines to be able to cope with a possible repayment claim. Actuator Solutions GmbH The joint venture Actuator Solutions GmbH, consolidated using the equity method, achieved net revenues equal to 4.8 million in the first half of 2013. Revenues now fully come from the sale of valves used in lumbar control systems of the seats of a wide range of cars; revenues generated by valves are growing because the lumbar control system based on the SMA technology is gaining market share. In addition, the company is currently involved in the development of actuators, miniaturized and not, for applications in various industrial sectors, some of which have generated the first orders; other actuators, such as the one for the image focus and stabilization of mobile phones, are experiencing increasing interest in the market. The net result was negative and equal to 0.7 million in the semester, as a result of the expenses in research and development activities related to the various industrial sectors in which the company will sell its SMA devices. The share of the net result of the first half of 2013 pertaining to the SAES Group amounted to -0.4 million. *** The figures, that have been subject to a limited review by the legal auditing firm Deloitte & Touche S.p.A., are drawn from the interim management report as at June 30, 2013, including the interim condensed consolidated financial statements, the interim management report and the certification required by article 154-bis, paragraph 5 of TUF. This document will be distributed through the NIS circuit of the Italian Stock Exchange, posted on the Company's website www.saesgetters.com and sent to Consob on August 28, 2013. Events occurred after the end of the semester On July 29, 2013 the share capital of E.T.C. S.r.l. was increased from 20 thousand to 75 thousand. The increase was underwritten only by the majority shareholder SAES Getters S.p.A., the minority shareholder Dr Michele Muccini didn't underwrite it. Following this transaction, the shareholding of SAES Getters S.p.A. in E.T.C. S.r.l. increased from 85% to 96%, while that of Dr Michele Muccini decreased from 15% to 4%. Please note that E.T.C. S.r.l. was already fully consolidated without any attribution to minority interests as at June 30, 2013, because the shareholders' agreements provided for an obligation for the Parent Company to cover the losses also on behalf of the minority shareholder. Notice is also given that on July 22, 2013 the Parent Company, prior to the capital increase, paid the sum of approximately 1 million to cover the loss incurred by E.T.C. S.r.l. during the first half of 2013. In July 2013 SAES Getters S.p.A. agreed with the trade unions upon the use of the Ordinary Redundancy Fund for a period of 13 weeks in the period September-December 2013. In SAES Advanced Technologies S.p.A., where the use of the Ordinary Redundancy Fund ended on June 30, 2013, a voluntary redundancy procedure has been activated.


Calculated on consolidated economic-financial figures. 9

SAES Group­ Press Release

Business performance outlook For the second half of 2013, we expect a performance in line with the first half of the year and a further consolidation of the recovery compared to the second half of 2012. Also total revenues of the Group, that include the share of the revenues of the joint venture Actuator Solutions GmbH, will increase. At the same time, the management continues its actions to contain costs and to increase the operating efficiency in all the Group's companies, in order to improve margins. These actions could generate non recurring expenses.

The Officer responsible for the preparation of corporate financial reports of SAES Getters S.p.A. certifies that, in accordance with the second subsection of article 154-bis, part IV, title III, second paragraph, section V-bis, of Legislative Decree February 24, 1998, no. 58, the financial information included in the present document corresponds to book of account and book-keeping entries. The Officer responsible for the preparation of corporate financial reports Michele Di Marco


SAES Group

A pioneer in the development of getter technology, the SAES® Group is the world leader in a variety of scientific and industrial applications where stringent vacuum conditions or ultra-pure gases are required. In more than 70 years of activity, the Group's getter solutions have been supporting innovation in the information display and lamp industries, in sophisticated high vacuum systems and in vacuum thermal insulation, in technologies spanning from large vacuum power tubes to miniaturized silicon-based microelectronic and micromechanical devices. The Group also holds a leading position in ultra pure gas refinement for the semiconductor and other high-tech markets. Starting in 2004, by leveraging the core competencies in special metallurgy and in the materials science, the SAES Group has expanded its business into the advanced material markets, in particular the market of shape memory alloys, a family of materials characterized by super elasticity and by the property of assuming predefined forms when subjected to heat treatment. These special alloys, which today are mainly applied in the biomedical sector, are also perfectly suited to the realization of actuator devices for the industrial sector (domotics, white goods industry, consumer electronics and automotive sector). More recently, SAES has expanded its business by developing components whose getter functions, traditionally obtained from the exploitation of the special features of some metals, are instead generated by chemical processes. These new products are used in the OLED promising sectors (Organic Light Emitting Diodes), both for displays and for lighting and in the photovoltaic one. Thanks to these new developments, SAES is evolving, adding to its competencies in the field of special metallurgy also those of organic chemicals. A total production capacity distributed in eleven facilities across 3 continents, a worldwide-based sales & service network and more than 1,000 employees allow the Group to combine multicultural skills and expertise to form a truly global enterprise. SAES Group is headquartered in the Milan area (Italy). SAES Getters S.p.A. is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange Market, STAR segment, since 1986. More information on the SAES Group is available in the website www.saesgetters.com


SAES Group­ Press Release

Contacts: Emanuela Foglia Investor Relations Manager Tel +39 02 93178 273 E-mail: investor_relations@saes-group.com Laura Magni Group Marketing and Communication Manager Tel +39 02 93178 252 E-mail: laura_magni@saes-group.com


SAES Group­ Press Release

SAES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Net Sales by Business Th o u s an d s of euro (except %) Bus ines s Electro n ic Devices Lamp s Vacu u m Systems and Thermal Insulation En erg y Devices Semico n d u cto rs Indus trial Applications S hape Memory Alloys Liq u id Crystal Displays Cat h o d e Ray Tubes Org an ic Light Emitting Diodes Information Displays Bus ines s Development Total Net Sales 2013 1 s t Half 11,552 6,467 5,490 346 24,227 4 8 ,0 8 2 2 0 ,6 2 5 21 435 338 794 41 6 9 ,5 4 2 2012 1 s t Half 10,552 6,195 8,791 62 25,151 5 0 ,7 5 1 2 4 ,9 1 8 603 670 555 1 ,8 2 8 11 7 7 ,5 0 8 Total difference (% ) 9.5% 4.4% -37.5% 458.1% -3.7% -5 .3 % -1 7 .2 % -96.5% -35.1% -39.1% -5 6 .6 % 2 7 2 .7 % -1 0 .3 %
P ri ce - Q u a n t i t y effect (%) Ex ch a n g e rate e ffe ct (%)

10.9% 6.8% -33.4% 458.1% -2.4% -3 .4 % -1 6 .2 % -96.1% -34.5% -35.4% -5 5 .1 % 2 7 7 .3 % -8 .7 %

-1.4% -2.4% -4.1% 0.0% -1.3% -1 .9 % -1 .0 % -0.4% -0.6% -3.7% -1 .5 % -4 .6 % -1 .6 %

Industrial Applications Business Unit Electronic Devices Lamps Vacuum Systems and Thermal Insulation Energy Devices Semiconductors Shape Memory Alloys Business Unit Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) Information Displays Business Unit Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) Business Development Unit Business Development

Getters and metal dispensers for electron vacuum devices and getters for microelectronic and micromechanical systems (MEMS) Getters and metal dispensers used in discharge lamps and fluorescent lamps Pumps for vacuum systems, getters for solar collectors and products for thermal insulation Getter sealants for photovoltaic modules and sophisticated getters for energy storage devices Gas purifier systems for semiconductor industry and other industries Shape memory alloys both for medical and for industrial applications Getters and metal dispensers for liquid crystal displays Barium getters for cathode ray tubes Dispensable dryers and alkaline metal dispensers for OLED displays Research projects undertaken to achieve the diversification into innovative businesses (among which, components for High-Brightness LEDs)

S AES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Net Sales by Business Th o u s an d s of euro (except %) Bus ines s Electro n ic Devices Lamp s Vacu u m Systems and Thermal Insulation En erg y Devices Semico n d u cto rs Indus trial Applications S hape Memory Alloys Liq u id Crystal Displays Cat h o d e Ray Tubes Org an ic Light Emitting Diodes Information Displays Bus ines s Development Total Net Sales 2013 1 s t Half 11,552 6,467 5,490 346 24,227 4 8 ,0 8 2 2 0 ,6 2 5 21 435 338 794 41 6 9 ,5 4 2 2012 2 nd Half 10,280 5,311 6,896 336 18,922 4 1 ,7 4 5 2 2 ,1 7 0 158 561 330 1 ,0 4 9 1 6 4 ,9 6 5 Total difference (% ) 12.4% 21.8% -20.4% 3.0% 28.0% 1 5 .2 % -7 .0 % -86.7% -22.5% 2.4% -2 4 .3 % n.s . 7 .0 %
P ri ce - Q u a n t i t y effect (%) Ex ch a n g e rate e ffe ct (%)

15.1% 25.9% -14.1% 3.0% 32.0% 1 9 .3 % -4 .3 % -84.8% -20.4% 10.2% -2 0 .4 % n.s . 1 0 .6 %

-2.7% -4.1% -6.3% 0.0% -4.0% -4 .1 % -2 .7 % -1.9% -2.1% -7.8% -3 .9 % n.s . -3 .6 %


SAES Group­ Press Release

S AES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Net Sales by Geographic Location of Customer Thousands of euro 2013 2012 Geog raphic Area 1 s t Half 1 s t Half Italy 1,157 962 Eu ro p ean countries 18,506 12,421 No rth America 28,234 36,790 Jap an 2,850 5,200 So u th Korea 1,958 7,660 Ch in a 9,197 6,820 Res t of Asia 7,200 7,245 Res t of the World 440 410 Total Net Sales 6 9 ,5 4 2 7 7 ,5 0 8
S AES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Income Statement Thousands of euro 2013 1 s t Half 6 9 ,5 4 2 (41,214) 2 8 ,3 2 8
R& D expenses Sellin g expenses G& A expenses ( 7 ,8 8 6 ) ( 6 ,4 4 6 ) ( 1 0 ,8 5 6 )

Total net sales Co s t of sales Gros s profit

2012 1 s t Half 7 7 ,5 0 8 (44,757) 3 2 ,7 5 1
( 7 ,4 1 5 ) ( 6 ,7 0 1 ) ( 1 2 ,0 4 6 )

To tal operating expenses Ro y alties Oth er income (expenses), net Operating income In teres t and other financial income, net In co me (loss) from equity method evalueted companies Fo reig n exchange gains (losses), net Income before taxes In co me taxes Net income from continued operations In co me (loss) from assets held for sale and discontinued operations Net income before minority interest Net income (loss) pertaining to minority interest Net income pertaining to the group

(25,188) 1,072 105 4 ,3 1 7 (461) (351) 6 3 ,5 1 1 (1,813) 1 ,6 9 8 0 1 ,6 9 8 0 1 ,6 9 8

(26,162) 1,157 576 8 ,3 2 2 (912) (422) (181) 6 ,8 0 7 (3,336) 3 ,4 7 1 86 3 ,5 5 7 0 3 ,5 5 7

S AES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Thousands of euro 2013 1 s t Half Profit for the period 1 ,6 9 8 Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations Exch an g e differences on equity method evalueted companies To tal exchange differences Total components that will be reclassified to the profit (loss) in the future Actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit plans Income taxes Actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit plans, net of taxes Total components that will not be reclassified to the profit (loss) in the future Other comprehensive income (loss), net of taxes Total comprehensive income (loss), net of taxes a ttrib u ta b le to: - Equity holders of the Parent Company - Minority interests 52 0 52 52 0 0 0 0 52 1 ,7 5 0 1,750 0

2012 1 s t Half 3 ,5 5 7 2,357 0 2,357 2 ,3 5 7 0 0 0 0 2 ,3 5 7 5 ,9 1 4 5,914 0


SAES Group­ Press Release

SAES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Income Statement by Business Unit Thousands of euro Indus trial Applications 2013 1 s t Half 4 8 ,0 8 2 (26,298) 2 1 ,7 8 4 (9,249) 1 2 ,5 3 5 2012 1 s t Half 50 ,7 5 1 (27,081) 23 ,6 7 0 (7,964) 15 ,7 0 6 S hape Memory Alloys 2013 1 s t Half 2 0 ,6 2 5 (13,972) 6 ,6 5 3 (4,813) 1 ,8 4 0 2012 1 s t Half 24 ,9 1 8 (16,108) 8 ,8 1 0 (5,445) 3 ,3 6 5 Informati on Displays 2013 1 s t Half 794 (732) 62 (1,771) (1 ,7 0 9 ) 2012 1 s t Half 1 ,8 2 8 (1,409) 419 (1,776) (1 ,3 5 7 ) Bus i nes s Development & Corporate Costs 2013 2012 1 s t Half 1 s t Half 41 11 (212) (159) (1 7 1 ) (1 4 8 ) (8,178) (9,244) (8 ,3 4 9 ) (9 ,3 9 2 ) TOTAL 2013 1 s t Half 6 9 ,5 4 2 (41,214) 2 8 ,3 2 8 (24,011) 4 ,3 1 7 2012 1 s t Half 7 7 ,5 0 8 (44,757) 3 2 ,7 5 1 (24,429) 8 ,3 2 2

Total net sales Co s t of sales Gros s profit (loss) Op eratin g expenses and other income (expenses) Operati ng income (loss)

S AES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Income Statement by Business Unit ( 1st Half 2013 vs 2nd Half 2012 ) Thousands of euro Indus tri al Applications 2013 1 s t Half 4 8 ,0 8 2 (26,298) 2 1 ,7 8 4 (9,249) 1 2 ,5 3 5 2012 2 nd Half 4 1 ,7 4 5 (23,888) 1 7 ,8 5 7 (7,178) 1 0 ,6 7 9 S hape Memory Alloys 2013 1 s t Half 2 0 ,6 2 5 (13,972) 6 ,6 5 3 (4,813) 1 ,8 4 0 2012 2 nd Half 2 2 ,1 7 0 (14,274) 7 ,8 9 6 (5,060) 2 ,8 3 6 Information Displays 2013 1 s t Half 794 (732) 62 (1,771) (1 ,7 0 9 ) 2012 2 nd Half 1 ,0 4 9 (976) 73 (1,918) (1 ,8 4 5 ) Bus ines s Development & Corporate Costs 2013 2012 1 s t Half 2 nd Half 41 1 (212) (185) (1 7 1 ) (1 8 4 ) (8,178) (8,459) (8 ,3 4 9 ) (8 ,6 4 3 ) TOTAL 2013 1 s t Half 6 9 ,5 4 2 (41,214) 2 8 ,3 2 8 (24,011) 4 ,3 1 7 2012 2 nd Half 6 4 ,9 6 5 (39,323) 2 5 ,6 4 2 (22,615) 3 ,0 2 7

Total net sales Co s t of sales Gros s profit (loss) Op eratin g expenses and other income Operati ng income (loss)

S AES Getters S .p.A. and S ubsi di ari e s - Consolidated Income (Loss) per S hare

Eu ro
2013 1st Half Net income (loss) per ordinary share Net income (loss) per savings share 0.0461 0.1385 2012 1st Half 0.1557 0.1725

S AES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries ­ Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Thousands of euro June 30, 2013 December 31, 2012 Pro p erty , plant and equipment, net 54,702 55,964 In tan g ib le assets, net 48,929 41,563 Oth er non current assets 20,396 20,161 Cu rren t assets 73,776 76,717 A s s ets held for sale 0 0 Total Assets 1 9 7 ,8 0 3 1 9 4 ,4 0 5 Sh areh o ld ers ' equity 106,012 114,227 M in o rity interest in consolidated subsidiaries 3 3 Total Shareholders' Equity 1 0 6 ,0 1 5 1 1 4 ,2 3 0 No n current liabilities 17,281 33,441 Cu rren t liabilities 74,507 46,734 Liab ilities held for sale 0 0 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 1 9 7 ,8 0 3 1 9 4 ,4 0 5


SAES Group­ Press Release

SAES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries - Consolidated Net Financial Position Thousands of euro June 30, 2013 Cas h on hands Cas h equivalents Cas h and cash equivalents Current financial assets Ban k overdraft Cu rren t portion of long term debt Related parties financial liabilities Oth er current financial liabilities Current financial liabilities Current net financial position Lo n g term debt, net of current portion Oth er non current financial liabilities Non current liabilities Net financial position 19 15,779 1 5 ,7 9 8 124 (26,820) (22,268) 0 (2,443) (5 1 ,5 3 1 ) (3 5 ,6 0 9 ) (80) (3,607) (3 ,6 8 7 ) (3 9 ,2 9 6 ) March 31, 2013 20 15,139 1 5 ,1 5 9 0 (13,086) (6,624) (1,007) (1,358) (2 2 ,0 7 5 ) (6 ,9 1 6 ) (18,005) (50) (1 8 ,0 5 5 ) (2 4 ,9 7 1 ) December 31, 2012 16 22,594 2 2 ,6 1 0 114 (10,051) (6,476) (2,019) (1,276) (1 9 ,8 2 2 ) 2 ,9 0 2 (19,179) (54) (1 9 ,2 3 3 ) (1 6 ,3 3 1 )

S AES Getters S.p.A. and Subsidiaries ­ Consolidated Cash Flows Statement Thousands of euro 2013 1 s t Half Net income from continuing operations 1,698 Net income from discontinuing operations 0 Cu rren t income taxes 2,656 Ch an g e in deferred income taxes (843) Dep reciatio n , amortization and write down of non current assets 4,948 Net loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment (7) In teres ts and other financial income, net 358 Oth er non-monetary costs (356) 8 ,4 5 3 Ch an g e in operating assets and liabilities (6,066) Pay men ts of termination indemnities and similar obligations (606) Fin an cial income received, net of payment of interest (100) Pay men t of income taxes (2,968) Net cash provided by (used by) operating activities (1 ,2 8 7 ) Pu rch as e of property, plant and equipment, net of proceeds from sales (2,655) Pu rch as e of intangible assets (219) In v es tmen t in joint-venture 0 Price paid for the acquisition of shareholding in subsidiaries (500) Price paid for the acquisition of businesses (2,440) Cas h flows provided by (used by) investing activities (5 ,8 1 4 ) Pro ceed s from debt, net of repayments 10,939 Div id en d s paid (9,965) In teres t and other expenses paid on loans (550) Cas h flows provided by (used by) financing activities 424 Effect of exchange rate differences (483) Increas e (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (7 ,1 6 1 ) Cas h and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 22,609 Cas h and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1 5 ,4 4 8

2012 1 s t Half 3,472 85 3,234 102 5,229 (133) (214) 182 1 1 ,9 5 7 4,003 (248) (426) (2,406) 1 2 ,8 8 0 (1,418) (34) (3,994) 0 0 (5 ,4 4 6 ) 11,157 (10,792) (664) (2 9 9 ) 960 8 ,0 9 5 20,291 2 8 ,3 8 6


SAES Group­ Press Release

Actuator Solutions GmbH - SAES Group interest (50% ) Thousands of euro J une 30, December 31, Statement of Financial Position 2013 2012 No n current assets 2,744 2,405 Cu rren t assets 1,255 2,108 Total Assets 3 ,9 9 9 4 ,5 1 3 No n current liabilities 61 35 Cu rren t liabilities 882 1,071 Total Liabilities 943 1 ,1 0 6 Cap ital stock, reserves and retained earnings 3,407 4,236 Net income (loss) for the period (351) (829) Oth er comprehensive income (loss) for the period 0 0 Total Equity 3 ,0 5 6 3 ,4 0 7 Income Statement To tal net sales Co s t of sales To tal operating expenses Oth er income (expenses), net Operati ng income In teres t and other financial income, net In co me taxes Net income (loss) 2013 1 s t Half 2,382 (1,885) (746) 67 (1 8 2 ) 20 (188) (351) 2012 1 s t Half 1,005 (1,104) (487) 0 (5 8 6 ) 3 161 (4 2 2 )


Grafico Azioni SAES Getters (BIT:SGR)
Da Gen 2025 a Feb 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di SAES Getters
Grafico Azioni SAES Getters (BIT:SGR)
Da Feb 2024 a Feb 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di SAES Getters