RNS Number:9546S
Coles Myer Ld
14 March 2002

                                REVIEW OF GROUP RESULTS

RESULTS SUMMARY                                     2002         2001     Change
                                                 26 weeks     26 weeks
                                                       $m          $m

Sales(1)                                         13,279.1     12,300.4      8.0%
Retail EBIT(2)                                      374.8        380.1    (1.4)%
% to Sales
  Food and Liquor Group                             261.6        241.5      8.3%
  % to Sales                                        3.27%        3.35%
  General Merchandise and Apparel Group             120.1        152.3   (21.1)%
  % to Sales                                        2.34%        3.08%
  e.colesmyer                                      (6.9)       (13.7)     49.6%
  % to Sales                                       (4.69)%      (9.36)%
Property                                           18.5         34.2
Unallocated costs                                 (50.0)       (17.7)

Underlying(3) EBIT                                  343.3        396.6   (13.4)%
Net borrowing costs                                (47.5)       (66.6)

Underlying(3) net profit before tax                 295.8        330.0   (10.4)%
Income tax expense on underlying profit            (83.3)       (95.2)

Underlying(3) net profit after tax                  212.5        234.8    (9.5)%

Abnormal items(4)                                       -       (37.8)
Income tax benefits                                     -        (0.6)

Net profit after tax                                212.5       196.4       8.2%

Earnings per share (basic) (cents)                   16.1        16.4
Ordinary dividend per share                          13.5        13.5

Return on investment (%)(5)                          12.8        14.4
Operating cash flow before interest and tax         818.2       455.5
Operating cash flow                                 652.1       326.7
Free cashflow(6)                                    379.6        73.0

Net debt/Net debt & equity (%)                       20.4        24.3
Fixed charges cover (times)(7)                        2.1         2.2

(1)Excluding Goods & Services Tax (GST).
   Excluding Katies (sold in November 2000), CML sales rose by 8.4% in the half 

(2)Earnings before interest and tax for retail operations.

(3)2001 underlying result is stated before abnormal items.

(4)Under revised accounting standard AASB 1018, abnormal items did not exist for 
   the full year 2001.  Abnormal items were, however, reported in the half 
   yearly accounts and included inventory write-downs at Target and Myer Grace 
   Bros of $25.0m post tax; and $13.4m tax expense adjustment for the change in 
   corporate tax rates in FY2001 and FY2002.

(5)Moving annual underlying EBIT as a percentage of net assets employed 
   excluding tax balances and net debt (funds employed).
(6)Operating cashflow less investing cashflow.

(7)EBITDA before fixed charges divided by fixed charges (lease rental & net 
   borrowing costs).

                                    Page 1


• Net profit after tax of $212.5m

• Significant progress on GM&A brand repositioning

• Substantial reduction in GM&A inventory levels

• Sales momentum building - Food & Liquor up 11%, GM&A up 4.9%(1)

• Next phase of Operation Right Now - savings now total $300m by 2004

The critical issue for shareholders was arresting the steep earnings decline in
the General Merchandise and Apparel (GM&A) businesses that occurred in the six
month period to July 2001. The early results of the re-build initiatives have
been pleasing. Sales growth momentum has returned and, importantly, inventory
levels have been substantially reduced in the three GM&A brands. In achieving
this progress, it has been necessary to reinvest in service and pricing levels,
which has impacted margins in the short term.

The challenges faced in rebuilding each of the GM&A brands are quite different.
The strategies being implemented and the pace at which each business will
respond will vary.

We remain confident that our brands have clearly differentiated positions: Kmart
as a low cost, discount department store with ranges for the entire family;
Target with affordable, on-trend, high quality merchandise; and MGB as a value
driven department store, providing a complete range of well known brands and
good service in a pleasurable store environment.

While the turnaround is underway in GM&A, Food and Liquor continues to build on
its strengths. Food & Liquor's strong sales increase of 11% to $7,995m was
assisted by the successful acquisition of Franklins stores. In GM&A, where
customers responded to improved ranges, service levels and price, sales
increased by 4.9%.

Net profit after tax of $212.5m was recorded for the half year ended 27 January,
2002. This represents a 9.5% decrease on underlying net profit after tax on last
year, with sales increasing 8%(2) to $13,279m.

The initial phase of Operation Right Now identified annualised cost savings of
$40 million in FY2002, increasing to $90m by end FY2004. It is now anticipated
that the cost savings in FY2002 will be $100m, and these will predominantly be
used to improve competitiveness. Early indications from the Company wide review
of areas including supply chain, shared services and OH&S, has identified
additional annualised savings of $210m by the end of FY2004. A proportion of
these cost savings will continue to be passed on to customers. Further updates
will be provided as the review process progresses through other areas of the

Directors have declared a fully franked interim dividend of 13.5 cents per 

(1)Excluding Katies (sold November 2000).
(2)Includes Katies. Excluding Katies, CML sales rose by 8.4% in the half year.

                                    Page 2



                                                      2002      2001     Change

Sales ($m)                                           7,995.0   7,202.9   11.0%
Retail EBIT ($m)                                       261.6     241.5    8.3%
 - excl 2001 acctng policy change(1)                   261.6     233.7   11.9%
Retail margin (%)                                       3.27      3.35   (8)bp
 - excl 2001 acctng policy change                       3.27      3.24    3bp
Operating gross margin (%)                             24.33     24.64  (31)bp
Cost of doing business / sales (%)                     21.06     21.29  (23)bp
Net assets employed(2) (NAE) ($m)                    1,838.6   1,673.0

• Strong sales growth - up 11%
• 37 Franklins stores acquired
• Ongoing cost savings - cost of doing business ratio down to 21.06%

The Food and Liquor Group (F&L) comprises Coles, Bi-Lo, Liquorland and Red
Rooster. Sales rose by a strong 11.0% during the half, reflecting ongoing growth
in an already robust business, as well as contributions from the acquisition of
Franklins stores, Australian Liquor Group (ALG) and Leda Hotels.

Retail EBIT rose by 8.3%, or 11.9% excluding one-time benefits from accounting
policy changes in 2001. As expected, the gross margin was temporarily diluted by
the supermarket and liquor acquisitions, including store set-up costs, re-
staffing and marketing. Competitive pressures, particularly in liquor, also
restrained margins. In addition, the amortisation of the newly acquired liquor
licenses impacted returns.

Importantly, our ongoing focus on costs resulted in a 23 basis point fall in the
cost of doing business (CODB) to 21.06%. Further savings are expected going
forward through Operation Right Now.

F&L's performance should continue to improve over the balance of 2002 as the
acquisitions are progressively bedded down and cost efficiencies continue to
build. The full year F&L EBIT margin is likely to remain below 2001, with the
acquisitions expected to break-even in the second half and achieve F&L group
margins by the end of 2003.

The integration of ex-Franklins stores is progressing smoothly, with sales in
line with expectations. Our dual branded strategy with Coles and Bi-Lo has
assisted in attracting previous Franklins' customers.

A further 17 ex-Franklins stores were secured in the second quarter, bringing
the total to 37. The additional acquisition cost was $15m, with annualised sales
of around $270m. Additional capital refurbishment costs of $32m are expected.
Trading commenced in 29 ex-Franklins stores during the half, and a further 9 new
supermarkets were also opened during this period.

(1)Accounting policy change related to a modification in the method of inventory
costing, to recognise purchase settlement income and direct costs of operating
distribution centres as a cost of inventory

(2)Net assets employed excluding net tax balances and net debt

                                   Page 3

The re-badging of the ALG stores to Liquorland and Vintage Cellars is mostly
complete and marketing programs have commenced.


                                                    2002       2001      Change
Sales ($m)                                         5,137.4    4,899.7     4.9%
Retail EBIT ($m)                                     120.1      157.0  (23.5)%
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                     120.1      142.7  (15.8)%
Retail margin (%)                                     2.34       3.20   (86)bp
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                      2.34       2.91   (57)bp
Operating gross margin (%)                           31.86      33.73  (187)bp
Cost of doing business / sales (%)                   29.52      30.53  (101)bp
NAE ($m)                                           2,064.9    2,526.5

Note - Table excl Katies (sold November 2000). Katies 2001 sales $52.3m and 
EBIT loss $4.7m.

• Solid earnings improvement in Target
• Substantial reduction in GM&A inventory levels
• Customers responding to differentiated positioning with stronger sales growth

GM&A includes the Target, Myer Grace Bros, Megamart, Kmart and Officeworks
businesses. GM&A has made promising early progress in its rebuild program.
Customers responded positively to improving ranges, service levels and price
competitiveness. Sales rose by 4.9% over the half year, including acceleration
to 6.9% sales growth in the important second quarter, which incorporates the
Christmas and clearance season.

GM&A reported retail EBIT of $120.1m. Whilst this result is below the first half
last year, importantly, we have been able to turn around the substantial
earnings decline experienced in the second half of last year. The reduction in
EBIT is a reflection of our significant reinvestment in staff and pricing, as we
progressively reposition the brands.

While gross margin fell over the period, driven largely by Kmart's strategic
price repositioning, the increasing flow of cost savings from Operation Right
Now reduced the CODB by 101bp to 29.52%. As this was in spite of a significant
increase in labour expenses at Myer Grace Bros, the underlying CODB improvement
was much greater. The benefits of Operation Right Now will build incrementally
in the second half of this year.

Our summer clearance program is on plan. Total GM&A year-on-year inventory
levels fell by 17%, with Target achieving the greatest improvement. This has
resulted in increased stock turns and lower working capital.


                                                        2002      2001    Change

Sales ($m)                                           1,305.3   1,282.5     1.8%
Retail EBIT ($m)                                      40.0      14.0       186%
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                      40.0       7.5       433%
Retail margin (%)                                     3.06      1.09      197bp
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                      3.06      0.58      248bp
NAE ($m)                                             489.3     662.5

                                    Page 4

Target reported retail EBIT of $40m, on sales growth of 1.8%. The challenge
facing this brand was a need to reduce inventory levels while introducing new
apparel ranges. By addressing these issues, we have been able to record a strong
earnings improvement.

Retail EBIT recovered by $26.0m to $40.0m, which has been driven by new apparel
ranges trading well at fuller margins. This compares with aggressive stock
clearances of apparel last year.

Target's year-on-year inventory levels have been reduced by a substantial 26%.
Clearance of discontinued home and entertainment stock has been largely
completed, and new lines are being progressively introduced.

Target is now clearly focused on the right positioning, operational efficiencies 
and delivering on-trend, high quality merchandise at very affordable prices.

Myer Grace Bros

                                                        2002       2001   Change

Sales ($m)                                            1,763.8    1,677.9   5.1%
Retail EBIT ($m)                                       36.4       68.1  (46.5)%
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                       36.4       63.5  (42.7)%
Retail margin (%)                                      2.06       4.06  (200)bp
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                       2.06       3.78  (172)bp
NAE ($m)                                              788.2      891.4

Myer Grace Bros (MGB), including Megamart, reported EBIT of $36.4m. Sales
increased by 5.1% during the half, including 6.9% growth in the second quarter.

The key issue for this brand was service, range and store presentation. In
effect, a major brand restoration was required, resulting in a longer lead-time
compared to Target's recovery. 

The reinvestment in service and store presentation began in February 2001 and is
critical for building sustainable sales momentum, however, margins have been
impacted as revenue progressively rebuilds.

As further initiatives of Operation Right Now feed through and range
improvements continue, we expect a profitable result in the second half this
year. This compares with the $40.0m loss recorded in the second half of last

Inventories have been well managed, falling by 15% year-on-year, and are
at an appropriate level and quality going into winter.

The development of Megamart continued, with the opening of the Perth store in

                                    Page 5

Kmart and Officeworks

                                                     2002      2001     Change
Sales ($m)                                          2,068.3  1,939.3      6.7%
Retail EBIT ($m)                                     43.7     74.9     (41.7)%
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                     43.7     71.7     (39.1)%
Retail margin (%)                                    2.11     3.86     (175)bp
- excl 2001 acctng policy change                     2.11     3.70     (159)bp
NAE ($m)                                            787.4    972.6

Kmart's market positioning requires it to be a low cost and low price operator.
While it was clear that cost savings would not be realised immediately, the
decision was made to reduce prices to protect market share. This strategy has
impacted margins in the short term. However, profitability has improved
considerably from the decline in the second half of 2001.

Customers have responded well to Kmart's new competitive price positioning, with
Kmart and Officeworks' combined sales increasing by 6.7% over the half year,
including 10.0% growth in the second quarter.

The second half of 2002 will benefit from continued strong sales momentum, and
cost savings will progressively flow through with the implementation of Group
initiatives and supply chain efficiencies.

Kmart's excess hardline stock has been cleared, with year-on-year inventory down

Officeworks continued its solid sales growth despite heavy competition.

                                                       2002     2001     Change

Sales ($m)                                            147.1     146.3     0.5%
Retail EBIT ($m)                                      (6.9)     (13.7)   49.6%
Retail margin (%)                                    (4.69)     (9.36)   467bp
NAE ($m)                                              29.5       38.9

e.colesmyer continues to deliver valuable learnings in the evolution of new
business channels, technologies and ideas. It is expected that once these direct
selling concepts are proven, the brands will assume responsibility.

e.colesmyer sales rose by 5.7% in the second quarter, ending the half at 0.5%
growth. Excluding Myer Direct, which reduced its catalogue program in
preparation for a sale of the business, e.colesmyer achieved 16.6% sales growth
over the second quarter, led by strong performances from Harris Technology and
Coles Online.

e.colesmyer halved its retail EBIT loss during the period to $6.9m, through
increasing cost efficiencies and the wind-down of Myer Direct. However, final
closure costs for Myer Direct are expected to impact the second half this year.

                                   Page 6

$m                                                         2002         2001

Unallocated and head office costs                         (50.0)       (17.7)
Gain/(loss) on sale of property                            1.4          16.2
Property operating earnings                                17.1         18.0

Property and Unallocated EBIT                             (31.5)        16.5

Unallocated costs rose by $32.3m over the half to $50.0m. The increase was 
driven by:

• Executive change costs
• Projects and consultant costs
• Higher shareholder costs, including the relaunch of the shareholder discount 
• Higher superannuation costs, following a $21m partial holiday last year 
  (H1 $12m, H2 $9m)

Second half unallocated costs are expected to be largely in line with last year.
Many of the 2002 additional costs are one-off in nature and will not carry
forward. Full year 2003 costs of approximately $80-90m are expected.

The total earnings contribution from property fell from $34.2m in 2001 to $18.5m
in 2002. Net gains from property disposals were $1.4m, in contrast to $16.2m in
2001 when several large properties were sold, including Chadstone Homemaker
Centre and Chatswood Grace Bros. Going forward, non-strategic freehold
properties will continue to be sold. Property operating earnings fell by $0.9m
to $17.1m, impacted by the sale of the above assets. The book value of the
property portfolio at half year end was $630.0m (2001: $623.6m).


Net borrowing costs decreased from $66.6m in 2001 to $47.5m, with the Company
benefiting from lower interest rates and working capital, and the full effect of
the Reset Convertible Preference Shares reducing debt levels.

Income tax expense of $83.3m reflects an effective tax rate of 28.2%, compared
with 28.8% (excluding abnormals) in 2001. A tax rate of 28% continues to be
expected for the full year. 

$m                                                          2002         2001

Inventory                                                 2,928.0      3,250.6
Trade creditors (inventory related)                      (1,892.3)    (1,693.9)

Net investment in inventory                               1,035.7      1,556.7
Trade debtors                                               170.9        165.7

Working capital (basic)                                   1,206.6      1,722.4
Intangible assets                                         348.1        158.2
Fixed assets                                              3,488.2      3,495.1
Other net assets                                          (973.2)      (650.4)

Funds employed                                            4,069.7      4,725.3
Net tax balances                                           82.5        (69.6)
Net assets employed                                       4,152.2      4,655.7
Net debt                                                 (845.5)      (1,129.3)
Shareholders' funds                                       3,306.7      3,526.4

                                   Page 7

Net debt fell by 25.1% to $845.5m. The Company remains comfortably within its
financial gearing targets, with net debt to capital employed (net debt plus
equity) at 20.4% (2001: 24.3%). Net borrowing costs cover ratio at 7.2 times
(2001: 6.0 times) is well within the internal target. Fixed charges cover at 2.1
times (2001: 2.2 times) is temporarily at the lower end of the preferred range
of 2.2 to 2.5 times until earnings recover.

Inventory fell by $322.6m to $2,928.0m. This reflected a 17% fall in GM&A, while
F&L inventory rose with the acquisition of ex-Franklins stores. As a result, the
Group's days stock cover was reduced by 12.8 to 55.5 days.

Trade creditors (inventory related) rose by $198.4m to $1,892.3m. Net investment
in inventory fell by $521.0m to $1,035.7m. Working capital (basic) declined from
$1,722.4m to $1,206.6m. Funds employed accordingly fell from $4,725.3m to

The Company's credit ratings remain at investment grade quality. At January 
2002, the long and short term ratings from Standard and Poor's were BBB+/A-2 
and Moody's Investors Service ratings were Baa2/P-2.


$m                                                         2002         2001

EBIT before depreciation & amortisation                    599.0        639.5
Working capital change                                     306.8       (413.2)
Other operating cashflows                                  (84.8)       232.0
Interest                                                   (59.6)      (56.0)
Tax                                                        (109.3)     (75.6)

Operating cash flow                                        652.1        326.7
Capex, acquisitions & investments                          (303.7)     (293.9)
Asset sales, other                                          31.2        40.2

Free cash flow                                              379.6       73.0
Dividends paid                                             (135.0)     (125.9)

Net cash flow                                               244.6      (52.9)

Operating cashflow rose by a strong $325.4m to $652.1m, reflecting a $720m
improvement in working capital change. Capital expenditure on property, plant
and equipment of $303.7m included $46.2m for the acquisition of ex-Franklins
stores. Importantly, free cashflow rose by $306.6m to $379.6m. Full year 2002
capital expenditure of approximately $700m is expected.


Much has been achieved in a short time, and this result marks just the first
phase of what is expected to be a 2-3 year turnaround program.

We continue to anticipate full year 2002 net profit after tax to be around 20%
higher than last year's underlying net profit(1) result, subject to stable
economic and market conditions.

(1)2001 underlying profit was $333m.

                                    Page 8

                               Half Yearly Report

Name of entity
                               COLES MYER LTD.

ABN                   Half yearly     Half year/financial year ended ('current

11 004 089 936                        26 weeks ended 27 January 2002

For announcement to the market
Sales revenue from ordinary activities (item 1.1)                     up            8.0%    to     13,279.1

Profit (loss)from ordinary activities after tax (before               up            8.4%    to        215.9
amortisation of goodwill) attributable to members (item 1.27)

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after tax attributable to      up            8.2%    to        212.5
members (item 1.12)

Profit (loss) from extraordinary items after tax attributable to      gain (loss)    NIL              NIL

Net profit (loss) for the period attributable to members (item        up            8.2%    to        212.5

Dividends (distributions)                                          Amount per security       Franked amount per
                                                                                             security at 30% tax        
                                                                                                (2001: 34%)

Interim dividend (Half yearly report only - item 16.6)                  13.5c                 13.5c

Previous corresponding period (Half yearly report - item 16.7)          13.5c                 13.5c

Record date for determining entitlements to the dividend,
(in the case of a trust, distribution) (see item 16.2)                       12 April 2002

Brief explanation of omission of directional and percentage changes to profit in 
accordance with Note 1 and short details of any bonus or cash issue or other 
item(s) of importance not previously released to the market: 

                                    Page 9

Consolidated Statement of Financial Performance
                                                   Current period-    corres-
                                                        $M              $M

1.1 Sales                                            13,279.1        12,300.4

1.2 Cost of goods sold                              (10,030.7)       (9,211.3)

1.3 Gross profit                                      3,248.4         3,089.1

1.4 Other revenue from operating activities             377.1           379.3

1.5 Revenue from non-operating activities               181.1           167.5

1.6 Borrowing costs                                     (55.4)          (74.3)

1.7 Advertising expenses                               (178.1)         (175.8)

1.8 Selling and occupancy expenses                   (2,581.9)       (2,482.0)

1.9 Administrative expenses                            (695.4)         (611.6)

1.10 Profit (loss) from ordinary activities before tax  295.8           292.2

1.11 Income tax expense                                 (83.3)          (95.8)

1.12 Net profit attributable to members of the 
     parent entity                                      212.5           196.4

1.13 Net increase in asset revaluation reserve            2.8

1.14 Net increase in foreign currency translation
     reserve                                                              2.5

1.15 Total revenues, expenses and valuation
     adjustments attributable to members of Coles
     Myer Ltd. recognised directly in equity              2.8             2.5

1.16 Total changes in equity other than those
     resulting from transactions with owners as owners  215.3           198.9

     Earnings per share

1.17 Basic earnings per share                           16.1 cents    16.4 cents

1.18 Diluted earnings per share                         16.8 cents    16.5 cents

Earnings per share in the previous corresponding period has changed to ensure 
the comparative is consistent with the application of the revised standard AASB 
1027 Earnings Per Share.

Consolidated retained profits
                                                   Current period-    corres-
                                                        $M               $M

1.19 Retained profits (accumulated losses) at the
beginning of the financial period                       866.0        1,159.7

1.20 Net profit (loss) attributable to members (item
1.12)                                                   212.5          196.4

1.21 Net transfers to and from reserves

1.22 Net effect of changes in accounting policies

1.23 Dividends and other equity distributions paid
     or payable                                        (182.0)        (163.0)

1.24 Retained profits (accumulated losses)
     at end of financial period                         896.5        1,193.1

                                   Page 10

Profit restated to exclude amortisation of         Current period     Previous
goodwill                                                    $M        corres-

1.25 Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after tax   215.9          199.1
     before outside equity interests and amortisation 
     of goodwill

1.26 Less (plus) outside equity interests

1.27 Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after       215.9          199.1
     tax (before amortisation of goodwill)
     attributable to members

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities attributable to members

                                                   Current period     Previous
                                                            $M        corres-

1.28 Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after tax
     (item 1.12)                                        212.5          196.4

1.29 Less (plus) outside equity interests

1.30 Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after
     tax, attributable to members                       212.5          196.4

Intangible and                                Consolidated - current period
extraordinary items  
                                                                 Related          (after tax)
                                                                 outside equity    attributable
                                     Before tax     Related tax  interests         to members
                                        $M              $M          $M                $M

2.1 Amortisation of goodwill              3.4                                           3.4

2.2 Amortisation of other intangibles     9.5           (1.4)                           8.1

2.3 Total amortisation of intangibles    12.9           (1.4)       NIL                11.5

2.4 Extraordinary items

2.5 Total extraordinary items             NIL            NIL        NIL                NIL

                                                 Current year -  Previous year -
Comparison of half year profits                     $M                $M
(Preliminary final report only)

3.1 Consolidated profit (loss) from ordinary
    activities after tax attributable to members
    reported for the 1st half year (item 1.10 
    in the half yearly report)                      N/A               N/A

3.2 Consolidated profit (loss) from ordinary
    activities after tax attributable to members
    for the 2nd half year                           N/A               N/A

                                   Page 11

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position   At end of current   As shown in last   As in last half
                                                    period           annual report     yearly report
Current assets                                        $M                 $M               $M

4.1 Cash assets                                       293.3              270.5            294.7
4.2 Receivables                                       560.7              705.1            526.0
4.3 Investments
4.4 Inventories                                     2,928.0            2,904.2          3,250.6
4.5 Other (provide details if material)                74.9               66.3             52.6

4.6 Total current assets                            3,856.9            3,946.1          4,123.9

Non-current assets
4.7 Receivables                                       151.3              176.5            355.8
4.8 Investments (equity accounted)
4.9 Other investments                                 113.5              108.2            121.5
4.10 Inventories
4.11 Exploration and evaluation expenditure
     capitalised (see para.71 of AASB 1022)
4.12 Development properties (mining entities)
4.13 Other property, plant and equipment (net)      3,488.2            3,464.2          3,495.1
4.14 Deferred tax assets                              225.3              231.9            237.1
4.15 Intangibles (net)                                348.1              308.8            158.2
4.16 Other (provide details if material)               40.1               42.1             15.3

4.17 Total non-current assets                       4,366.5            4,331.7          4,383.0

4.18 Total assets                                   8,223.4            8,277.8          8,506.9

Current liabilities
4.19 Payables                                       2,435.2            2,186.8          2,271.9
4.20 Interest bearing liabilities                      19.7               12.5             26.4
4.21 Loans                                                               115.3
4.22 Tax liabilities                                                                       85.3
4.23 Provisions                                       705.2              663.2            637.5
4.24 Other (provide details if material)

4.25 Total current liabilities                      3,160.1            2,977.8          3,021.1

Non-current liabilities
4.26 Payables
4.27 Interest bearing liabilities                   1,375.2            1,651.6          1,427.7
4.28 Loans                                              1.1               19.8            192.0
4.29 Tax liabilities                                  214.7              219.5            221.3
4.30 Provisions                                       115.5              110.1             64.0
4.31 Other (provide details if material)               50.1               52.7             54.4
4.32 Total non-current liabilities                  1,756.6            2,053.7          1,959.4
4.33 Total liabilities                              4,916.7            5,031.5          4,980.5
4.34 Net assets                                     3,306.7            3,246.3          3,526.4

                                   Page 12

                                               At end of current   As shown in last   As in last half
Equity                                              period           annual report     yearly report
                                                      $M                 $M               $M
4.35 Contributed equity                             2,000.8            1,973.7          1,926.0
4.36 Reserves                                         409.4              406.6            407.3
4.37 Retained profits (accumulated losses)            896.5              866.0          1,193.1
4.38 Equity attributable to members of the
     parent entity                                  3,306.7            3,246.3          3,526.4
4.39 Outside equity interests in controlled

4.40 Total equity                                   3,306.7            3,246.3          3,526.4

4.41 Preference capital included as part of 4.35      680.6              680.6            681.0

Exploration and evaluation expenditure capitalised
                                                   Current period         Previous corresponding
                                                         $M                   period- $M
5.1 Opening balance
5.2 Expenditure incurred during current period
5.3 Expenditure written off during current period
5.4 Acquisitions, disposals, revaluation
    increments, etc.
5.5 Expenditure transferred to Development
5.6 Closing balance as shown in the
    consolidated balance sheet (item 4.11)               NIL                        NIL

Development properties                                 
                                                   Current period        Previous corresponding
                                                         $M                   period- $M

6.1 Opening balance
6.2 Expenditure incurred during current period
6.3 Expenditure transferred from exploration and
6.4 Expenditure written off during current period
6.5 Acquisitions, disposals, revaluation
increments, etc.
6.6 Expenditure transferred to mine properties
6.7 Closing balance as shown in the
    consolidated balance sheet (item 4.12)               NIL                        NIL

                                   Page 13

Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                              Current period            Previous
                                                  $M               corresponding

    Cash flows related to operating activities
7.1 Receipts from customers (inclusive of goods and
    services tax)                                   14,271.7            13,173.0

7.2 Payments to suppliers and employees (inclusive of
    goods and services tax)                       (13,453.5)          (12,717.5)

7.3 Operating cash flows before distributions, interest
    and tax                                            818.2               455.5

7.4 Cash distributions received from associated entities 2.8                 2.8

7.5 Interest and other items of similar nature received  5.6                 5.4

7.6 Interest and other costs of finance paid          (65.2)              (61.4)

7.7 Income taxes paid                                (109.3)              (75.6)

7.8 Net operating cash flows                           652.1               326.7

    Cash flows related to investing activities

7.9 Payment for purchases of property, plant and
    equipment                                        (250.8)             (260.7)

7.10 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and 
     equipment                                          23.9                 7.9

7.11 Payment for purchases of businesses and controlled
     entities (net of cash acquired)                  (50.5)               (2.1)

7.12 Repayment of loan from other entities               7.3                 6.9

7.13 Payment for purchases of investments              (2.4)              (30.9)

7.14 Proceeds on sale of investments                                        25.4

7.15 Payment for purchases of associated entities                          (0.2)

7.16 Net investing cash flows                        (272.5)             (253.7)

     Cash flows related to financing activities

7.17 Proceeds from issues of securities (shares, options,
     etc.)                                                                 681.0

7.18 Payment for shares bought back                    (1.4)

7.19 Proceeds from borrowings                          676.6             3,380.0

7.20 Repayment of borrowings                         (951.9)           (3,813.4)

7.21 Dividends paid                                  (135.0)             (125.9)

7.22 Net financing cash flows                        (411.7)               121.7

     Net (decrease)/increase in cash held             (32.1)               194.7

7.23 Cash at beginning of period                       578.1               307.7

7.24 Exchange rate adjustments to item 7.23

7.25 Cash at end of period                          
     (see Reconciliation of cash)                      546.0               502.4

     Free cash flow:

7.8 Net operating cash flows                           652.1               326.7

7.16 Net investing cash flows                        (272.5)             (253.7)

     Free cash flow                                    379.6                73.0

                                   Page 14

Non-cash financing and investing activities

Coles Myer Ltd. issued ordinary shares under the Dividend Reinvestment Plan of
$28.5 million (2001 $31.3 million).

The CML Group disposed of its investment in Investment Funding Pty. Ltd., Label
Developments Pty. Ltd. and Power Investment Funding Pty. Ltd. For $NIL
consideration. Current receivables and loans decreased $115.3m and non-current
receivables and loans decreased $17.2m on disposal.

Reconciliation of cash

Reconciliation of cash at the end of the period (as
shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows) to
the related items in the accounts is as follows:

                                              Current period            Previous
                                                  $M               corresponding

8.1 Cash on hand and at bank                           293.3               294.7

8.2 Deposits at call                                   257.2               222.1

8.3 Bank overdraft                                     (4.5)              (14.4)

8.4 Other (provide details)

8.5 Total cash at end of period (item 7.25)            546.0               502.4

Ratios                                        Current period            Previous

Profit before tax / sales revenue

9.1 Consolidated profit (loss) from ordinary
    activities before tax (item 1.10) as a percentage
    of sales revenue (item 1.1)                         2.2%                2.4%

Profit after tax / equity interests

9.2 Consolidated net profit (loss) from ordinary
    activities after tax attributable to members (item
    1.12) as a percentage of equity (similarly
    attributable) at the end of the period (item 4.40)  6.4%                5.6%

Earnings per security (EPS)                   Current period            Previous
10.1 Calculation of the following in 
     accordance with AASB 1027: Earnings per Share

    (a) Basic EPS                                      16.1c               16.4c

    (b) Diluted EPS (if materially different from (a)) 16.8c               16.5c

    (c) Weighted average number of ordinary shares
        outstanding during the period used in the
        calculation of the Basic EPS (000's)       1,178,070           1,166,350

NTA backing                                   Current period            Previous

11.1 Net tangible asset backing per ordinary 
     security                                          $1.93               $2.30

                                   Page 15

Details of specific receipts/outlays, revenues/expenses

                                              Current period            Previous
                                                   $M              corresponding
12.1 Interest revenue included in determining item
     1.10                                                7.9                 7.7

12.2 Interest revenue included in item 12.1 but not
     yet received (if material)                          2.3                 2.3

12.3 Interest expense included in item 1.6 (include all
     forms of interest, lease finance charges etc)      55.4                74.3

12.4 Interest costs excluded from borrowing costs,
     capitalised in asset values

12.5 Outlays (except those arising from the
     acquisition of an existing business) capitalised
     in intangibles (if material)

12.6 Depreciation and amortisation (excluding
     amortisation of intangibles)*                     227.9               226.4

12.7 Other specific relevant items not shown in item

* Excludes net loss on disposal of plant and equipment of $14.9 million (2001
$7.2 million)

Control gained over entities having material effect

13.1 Name of entity (or group of entities)                  NIL

13.2 Consolidated profit (loss) from ordinary 
     activities and extraordinary items after tax  
     of the entity (or group of entities) since the 
     date in the current period on which control was 
     acquired                                               $

13.3 Date from which such profit has been calculated

13.4 Profit (loss) from ordinary activities and 
     extraordinary items after tax of the entity 
     (or group of entities) for the whole of the 
     previous corresponding period                          $

Loss of control of entities having material effect

14.1 Name of entity (or group of entities)                  NIL

14.2 Consolidated profit (loss) from ordinary activities 
     and extraordinary items after tax of the entity 
     (or group of entities) for the current period to the 
     date of loss of control                                $

14.3 Date to which the profit (loss) in item 14.2 has been 

14.4 Consolidated profit (loss) from ordinary activities and
     extraordinary items after tax of the entity (or 
     group of entities) while controlled during the whole of 
     the previous corresponding period                      $

14.5 Contribution to consolidated profit (loss) from 
     ordinary activities and extraordinary items from 
     sale of interest leading to loss of control            $

                                   Page 16

Segment Performance

Segment Revenue

                                     Current period      Previous corresponding
                                           $M                period- $M

15.1   Food & Liquor                        8,337.1                     7,449.2

15.2   General Merchandise & Apparel        5,261.3                     5,171.0

15.3   e.colesmyer                            163.3                       155.3

15.4   Property / Unallocated (a)              67.7                        64.0

15.5   Total segment revenue               13,829.4                    12,839.5

15.6   Interest income (item 12.1)              7.9                         7.7

15.7   Total revenue                       13,837.3                    12,847.2

Segment Result 

                                     Current period      Previous corresponding
                                           $M                period- $M

15.8   Food & Liquor                          261.6                      241.5

15.9   General Merchandise & Apparel          120.1                      114.5

15.10  e.colesmyer                             (6.9)                     (13.7)

15.11  Property / Unallocated (a)             (31.5)                      16.5

15.12  Total segment result                   343.3                      358.8

15.13  Net Borrowing costs                    (47.5)                     (66.6)

15.14  Profit (loss) from ordinary
       activities before tax
       (item 1.10)                            295.8                      292.2

The CML Group operates predominantly within the retailing industry and
predominantly in Australia.

(a)    Rentals derived from the CML Group's own retail outlets are based on
       commercial terms and conditions. Property income includes profit on sale
       of property of $1.4 million (2001 $16.2 million).

Dividends (in the case of a trust, distributions)

16.1   Date the dividend (distribution) is payable            13 May 2002

16.2   Record date to determine entitlements to the
       dividend (distribution) (ie, on the basis of
       registrable transfers received up to 5.00 pm if
       paper based, or by "End of Day" if a proper SCH
       transfer)                                            12 April 2002

16.3   Not applicable to this Half year report

                                Page 17

                                                                          Franked amount            Amount per
                                                       Amount per         per security at           security of foreign
                                                       security           30% tax                   source dividend
                                                                          (2001: 34%)

16.4   Not applicable to this Half yearly report

16.5   Not applicable to this Half yearly report

16.6   Interim dividend:        Current Year               13.5c                   13.5c

16.7                            Previous Year              13.5c                   13.5c

Total dividend (distribution) per security (interim plus final)

                                           Current year            Previous year

16.8   Ordinary securities                       N/A                      N/A

16.9   Preference securities                     N/A                      N/A

Half year report - interim dividend (distribution) on all securities

                                     Current period      Previous corresponding
                                           $M                period- $M

16.10  Ordinary securities                    159.3                       157.9

16.11  Preference securities                   22.7                         5.1

16.12  Total                                  182.0                       163.0

The dividend plan shown below is in operation.

A Shareholders' Dividend Reinvestment Plan is in operation.

The last date(s) for receipt of election notices for the
dividend                                                  12 April 2002

Any other disclosures in relation to dividends (distributions)


                                Page 18

Details of aggregate share of profits (losses) of associates

                                     Current period      Previous corresponding
                                           $M                period- $M

Entity's share of associates'

17.1   Profit (loss) from ordinary
       activities before income tax

17.2   Income tax on ordinary

17.3   Profit (loss) from ordinary
       activities after income tax

17.4   Extraordinary items net of tax

17.5   Net profit (loss)

17.6   Outside equity interests

17.7   Net profit (loss) attributable
       to members                               NIL                       NIL

Material interests in entities which are not controlled entities

Name of entity

                               Percentage of ownership interest held        Contribution to net profit (loss)
                               at end of period or date of disposal         (item 1.9)

18.1   Equity accounted        Current period          Previous             Current period        Previous
       associates and joint                            corresponding            - $M              corresponding
       venture entities                                period                                     period- $M

18.2   Total                              NIL                    NIL                   NIL                 NIL

18.3   Other material

18.4   Total                              NIL                    NIL                   NIL                 NIL

                                          Page 19

Issued and quoted securities at end of current period

Category of securities
                                                                       Issue price           Amount paid up
                                    Total           Number             per security          per security
                                    Number          Quoted             (cents)               (cents)


19.2   Balance 29 July 2001             7,000,000       7,000,000

19.3   Issued during the period

19.4   Balance 27 January 2002          7,000,000       7,000,000


19.6   Balance 29 July 2001         1,176,610,496   1,176,610,496

19.7   Dividend Reinvestment Plan
       issue                            3,997,410       3,997,410

19.8   Converted from partly paid
       shares                               6,000           6,000

19.9   Buy-back                          (222,322)       (222,322)

19.10  Balance 27 January 2002**    1,180,391,584   1,180,391,584


19.12  Balance 29 July 2001               152,000             NIL               200                      1

19.13  Converted to ordinary shares        (6,000)            NIL

19.14  Balance 27 January 2002            146,000             NIL               200                      1

** On 19 July 2001 the first 500 of each shareholder's ordinary shares were
redesignated on the Australian Stock Exchange as Discount Card Shares. Discount
Card shares remain ordinary class shares following their redesignation and as
such, rank equally with non-Discount Card shares in every respect including
voting and dividend rights. As at 27 January 2002 there were 889,042,376
ordinary shares and 291,349,208 Discount Card shares quoted on the Australian
Stock Exchange.

Coles Myer Ltd. ordinary shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the
form of American Depository Shares (ADS). Each ADS represents eight ordinary
shares. An American Depository Receipt is the certificate issued to the holder,
and can represent any number of ADS. As at 27 January 2002, there were 674,041
(2001 587,594) ADS on issue.

                                Page 20

Comments by directors

Basis of accounts preparation

This general purpose financial report for the interim half-year reporting period
ended 27 January 2002 has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard
AASB 1029 Interim Financial Reporting, other mandatory professional reporting
requirements (Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views), other authoritative
pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Corporations
Act 2001.

This interim financial report does not include all the notes of the type
normally included in an annual financial report. Accordingly, this report is to
be read in conjunction with the annual report for the year ended 29 July 2001
and any public announcements made by Coles Myer Ltd during the interim reporting
period in accordance with the continuous disclosure requirements of the
Corporations Act 2001.

The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous
financial year. Where necessary, comparative figures have been adjusted to
conform to changes in presentation in the current year.

Material factors affecting the revenues and expenses of the economic entity for
the current period

Refer accompanying commentary and other public documents.

A description of each event since the end of the current period which has had a
material effect and is not related to matters already reported, with financial
effect quantified (if possible)

Franking credits available and prospects for paying fully or partly franked
dividends for at least the next year

Franking credits of $167.2 million (at 30%) are available for the consolidated
entity, and will enable the payment of franked dividends for at least the next

This amount represents the balance of the Dividend Franking Account after
allowing for current tax, dividend provisions and payments, and franking credits
the CML Group is prevented from distributing.

CML can access sufficient franking credits from its controlled entities to
enable the payment of fully franked dividends for at least the subsequent year.

Changes in accounting policies since the last annual report are disclosed as


Changes in contingent liabilities and contingent assets.

Contingent liabilities as at 27 January 2002 were $253.0m, an increase of $85.1m
since 29 July 2001, mainly associated with trading guarantees.

                              Page 21

Additional disclosure for trusts

20.1    Number of units held by the management
        company or responsible entity or their related
        parties                                             Not Applicable

20.2    A statement of the fees and commissions
        payable to the management company or
        responsible entity.                                 Not Applicable

        •       initial service charges
        •       management fees
        •       other fees

Annual meeting Not applicable to this Half yearly report

The annual meeting will be held as follows:




Approximate date the annual report will be available

                                Page 22

Compliance statement

1       This report has been prepared under accounting policies which comply
        with accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Law or other
        standards acceptable to ASX.

        Identify other standards used                                NONE

2       This report, and the accounts upon which the report is based
        (if separate), use the same accounting policies.

3       This report does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.

4       This report is based on accounts to which one of the following applies.

            The financial statements          The financial statements have
            have been audited.                been subject to review.

            The financial statements are in   The financial statements have not
            the process of being audited or   yet been audited or reviewed.
            subject to review.   

5       If the audit report or review by the auditor is not attached, details of
        any qualifications will follow immediately they are available.

6       The entity has a formally constituted audit committee.

Sign here: ................................................. Date: 14 March 2002
                        Company Secretary

Print name: Kevin Elkington

                                     Page 23

Directors' Report

The directors present their report for the 26 weeks ended 27 January 2002.


The names of the directors in office at the date of this report are:

Stanley D.M. Wallis, AO            Chairman
John E. Fletcher                   Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Patricia E. Akopiantz              Non-executive Director
Richard H. Allert, AM              Non-executive Director
Richard M. Charlton, AM            Non-executive Director
William P. Gurry, AO               Non-executive Director
Mark M. Leibler, AO                Non-executive Director
Solomon Lew                        Non-executive Director
Helen A. Lynch, AM                 Non-executive Director
Martyn K. Myer                     Non-executive Director

The above directors each held office during and since the end of the period,
except John E. Fletcher who was appointed on 10 September 2001 and Patricia E.
Akopiantz who was appointed on 11 October 2001.

In addition, Dennis K. Eck resigned as Managing Director and Chief Executive
Officer on 9 September 2001, and Ian D. Johnston resigned as a non-executive
director on 11 October 2001.

Review of operations

The results of the operations of the CML Group during the period are reviewed on
pages 1 to 8.

Rounding of amounts

CML is a company of the kind referred to in the Australian Securities &
Investments Commission Class Order 98/0100 dated 10 July 1998. As a result,
amounts in the accompanying financial report have, where appropriate, been
rounded to the nearest one hundred thousand dollars except where otherwise

Directors' Declaration

The directors declare that the financial statements and the notes set out on
pages 9 to 22:

a.    comply with the Accounting Standards and the Corporations Regulations
      2001; and

b.    give a true and fair view of the CML Group's financial position at
      27 January 2002 and its performance for the 26 weeks ended on that date.

The directors further declare that in their opinion there are reasonable grounds
to believe that CML will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due
and payable.

This directors' report and declaration are made in accordance with a resolution
of the directors.

Stan Wallis                                                       John Fletcher
Chairman                          Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Melbourne, 14 March 2002

                                    Page 24

                                                        ABN 52 780 433 757

                                                        333 Collins Street
                                                        MELBOURNE VIC 3000
                                                        GPO Box 1331L
                                                        MELBOURNE VIC 3001
                                                        DX 77 Melbourne
                                                        Web www.pwcglobal.com/au
                                                        Telephone 61 3 8603 1000
                                                        Facsimile 61 3 8603 1999
                                                        Direct phone 8603 6555
                                                        Direct fax 8603 6009

Independent Review Report to the Members of
Coles Myer Ltd.


We have reviewed the financial report of Coles Myer Ltd. (CML) for the 26 weeks
ended 27 January 2002.  The financial report comprises pages 10 to 20 and
Comments by Directors (excluding the reference to accompanying commentary and
other public documents) on page 21 of the half yearly report included in the
attached Appendix 4B of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Listing Rules and
the directors' declaration attached thereto.  CML's directors are responsible
for the financial report which includes the consolidated financial statements of
the CML Group comprising CML and the entities it controlled at the end of, or
during, the 26 weeks ended 27 January 2002.  We have performed an independent
review of the financial report in order for CML to lodge the financial report
with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and the ASX.  This
review was performed in order to state whether, on the basis of the procedures
described, anything has come to our attention that would indicate that the
financial report is not presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standard
AASB 1029 "Interim Financial Reporting", other mandatory professional reporting
requirements and the Corporations Act 2001 in Australia, and ASX Listing Rules
relating to half yearly financial reports, so as to present a view which is
consistent with our understanding of the CML Group's financial position, and
performance as represented by the results of its operations and its cash flows.

Our review has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards
applicable to review engagements. The review is limited primarily to inquiries
of CML Group personnel and analytical procedures applied to the financial data.
These procedures do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an
audit, thus the level of assurance provided is less than that given in an audit.
We have not performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an audit


Based on our review, which is not an audit, we have not become aware of any
matter that makes us believe that the financial report of the CML Group is not
in accordance with:

a     the Corporations Act 2001, including:

      (i)   giving a true and fair view of the CML Group's financial position as
            at 27 January 2002 and of its performance for the 26 weeks ended on
            that date; and

      (ii)  complying with Accounting Standard AASB 1029 "Interim Financial
            Reporting" and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and

b     other mandatory professional reporting requirements and ASX Listing Rules
relating to half yearly financial reports.

Chartered Accountants

Dale McKee                                                      14 March 2002
Partner                                                         Melbourne

Liability is limited by the Accountant's Scheme under the Professional Standards
Act 1994 (NSW)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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