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Virotec 2006 - Onwards And Upwards.. (VTI)

- 02/2/2006 01:27
Cleudo N° messaggi: 1 - Iscritto da: 07/12/2001
Main Virotec thread seems to have been deleted for some reason?! MAy as well start another!!

0 Commenti
Titoli Discussi
LSE:VTI 12.50 0.0%
Virotec Intl
Virotec Intl
Virotec Intl
Indici Internazionali
Australia -0.6%
Brazil -1.3%
Canada 0.4%
France -0.5%
Germany -0.1%
Greece 0.0%
Holland -0.6%
Italy 0.5%
Portugal -0.5%
US (DowJones) 0.3%
US (NASDAQ) -0.1%
United Kingdom 0.1%
Rialzo (%)
BIT:EVAAA 0.03 16,900.0%
BIT:GSRAA 0.01 1,900.0%
BIT:WPSQ26 0.01 33.9%
BIT:WRKT25 0.00 30.0%
BIT:1FEY2 11.60 21.5%
BIT:WERFO 0.06 14.2%
BIT:1EBAY 68.12 14.2%
BIT:BES 0.49 14.0%
BIT:WTFIN 0.90 12.5%
BIT:1HENS 36.50 11.3%

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