Amundi Asset Management (-) 
AMUNDI ETF - Important Information - Name Changes - 01/01/2024 
28-Dec-2023 / 16:15 CET/CEST 
?        Name Changes 
?       Please note that in order to reflect Amundi's naming policy following the merger that occurred on 1st of June 
2022 , where Lyxor have merged into Amundi Asset Management. All the Multi Units Luxembourg 
        subfunds will be renamed as below on January 1st, 2024 : 
Shareclass name                                 ISIN         New shareclass name                        Effective date 
                                                                                                        of the change 
Amundi Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity         LU1829218749 Amundi Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity    01/01/2024 
ex-Agriculture UCITS ETF Acc                                 ex-Agriculture  UCITS ETF Acc 
Amundi Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity                      Amundi Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity 
ex-Agriculture UCITS ETF Daily Hedged to EUR -  LU1900069219 ex-Agriculture  UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc   01/01/2024 
Amundi EUR Corporate Bond Climate Net Zero      LU1829219127 Amundi EUR Corporate Bond PAB Net Zero     01/01/2024 
Ambition PAB UCITS ETF Acc                                   Ambition UCITS ETF Acc 
Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets II UCITS ETF Dist  LU2573966905 Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets II UCITS ETF  01/01/2024 
Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets II UCITS ETF Acc   LU2573967036 Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets II UCITS ETF  01/01/2024 
Amundi US Treasury Bond 10+Y   UCITS ETF Acc    LU1407890547 Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS   01/01/2024 
                                                             ETF Acc 
Amundi US Treasury Bond 10+Y   UCITS ETF Dist   LU1407890620 Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS   01/01/2024 
                                                             ETF Dist 
Amundi US Treasury Bond 10+Y   UCITS ETF Euro   LU1407890976 Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS   01/01/2024 
Hedged Dist                                                  ETF EUR Hedged Dist 
Amundi US Treasury Bond 10+Y   UCITS ETF GBP    LU1407891271 Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS   01/01/2024 
Hedged Dist                                                  ETF GBP Hedged Dist 
Amundi US Treasury Bond 10+Y   UCITS ETF HKD    LU2338178648 Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS   01/01/2024 
Hedged Dist                                                  ETF HKD Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Australia (S&P/ASX 200) UCITS ETF Dist    LU0496786905 Amundi Australia S&P/ASX 200 UCITS ETF     01/01/2024 
Lyxor Core Euro Government Inflation-Linked     LU1650491282 Amundi Euro Government Inflation-Linked    01/01/2024 
Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Acc                                      Bond UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor Core Euro Government Inflation-Linked     LU1650491795 Amundi Euro Government Inflation-Linked    01/01/2024 
Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Dist                                     Bond UCITS ETF Dist 
Lyxor Core Global Government Bond (DR) UCITS    LU2099288503 Amundi Global Government Bond II UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
ETF Dist                                                     Dist 
Lyxor Core Global Government Bond (DR) UCITS    LU2099289147 Amundi Global Government Bond II UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
ETF Monthly Hedged to EUR - Dist                             EUR Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Core Global Inflation-Linked 1-10Y Bond   LU1910939849 Amundi Global Government Inflation-Linked  01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Dist                                          Bond 1-10Y UCITS ETF Dist 
Lyxor Core Global Inflation-Linked 1-10Y Bond   LU1910940268 Amundi Global Government Inflation-Linked  01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged to EUR - Dist                  Bond 1-10Y UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Core Global Inflation-Linked 1-10Y Bond   LU1910940425 Amundi Global Government Inflation-Linked  01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist                  Bond 1-10Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Core MSCI EMU (DR) UCITS ETF Dist         LU1646360971 Amundi MSCI EMU UCITS ETF Dist             01/01/2024 
Lyxor Core MSCI EMU (DR) UCITS ETF Acc          LU1646361276 Amundi MSCI EMU UCITS ETF Acc              01/01/2024 
Lyxor Core MSCI World (DR) UCITS ETF Acc        LU1781541179 Amundi MSCI World V UCITS ETF Acc          01/01/2024 
Lyxor Core UK Government Bond (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1407892592 Amundi UK Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist   01/01/2024 
Lyxor Core UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond  LU1407893301 Amundi UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond 01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Dist                                          UCITS ETF Dist 
Lyxor Core US TIPS (DR) UCITS ETF Acc           LU1452600197 Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked 01/01/2024 
                                                             Bond UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor Core US TIPS (DR) UCITS ETF Dist          LU1452600270 Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked 01/01/2024 
                                                             Bond UCITS ETF Dist 
Lyxor Core US TIPS (DR) UCITS ETF Monthly       LU1452600437 Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked 01/01/2024 
Hedged to EUR - Dist                                         Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Core US TIPS (DR) UCITS ETF Monthly       LU1452600601 Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked 01/01/2024 
Hedged to GBP - Dist                                         Bond UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Corporate Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Acc   LU2370241684 Amundi Corporate Green Bond UCITS ETF Acc  01/01/2024 
Lyxor Daily LevDAX UCITS ETF Acc                LU0252634307 Amundi LevDax Daily (2x) leveraged UCITS   01/01/2024 
                                                             ETF Acc 
Lyxor Daily LevDAX UCITS ETF Dist               LU2090062600 Amundi LevDax Daily (2x) leveraged UCITS   01/01/2024 
                                                             ETF Dist 
Lyxor DAX (DR) UCITS ETF Acc                    LU0252633754 Amundi DAX III UCITS ETF Acc               01/01/2024 
Lyxor DAX (DR) UCITS ETF Dist                   LU2090062436 Amundi DAX III UCITS ETF Dist              01/01/2024 
Lyxor ESG Euro Corporate Bond Ex Financials     LU1829218822 Amundi EUR Corporate Bond ex-Financials    01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Acc                                           ESG UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor EUR 2-10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS    LU1390062245 Amundi Euro Inflation Expectations 2-10Y   01/01/2024 
ETF Acc                                                      UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Acc   LU1650490474 Amundi Euro Government Bond II UCITS ETF   01/01/2024 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Dist  LU1650490805 Amundi Euro Government Bond II UCITS ETF   01/01/2024 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 10-15Y (DR) UCITS    LU1650489385 Amundi Euro Government Bond 10-15Y UCITS   01/01/2024 
ETF Acc                                                      ETF Acc 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 10-15Y (DR) UCITS    LU1650489898 Amundi Euro Government Bond 10-15Y UCITS   01/01/2024 
ETF Dist                                                     ETF Dist 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 1-3Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU1650487413 Amundi Euro Government Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          Acc 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 1-3Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU1650487926 Amundi Euro Government Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         Dist 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 15+Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU1287023268 Amundi Euro Government Bond 15+Y   UCITS   01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          ETF Acc 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 15+Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU2090062782 Amundi Euro Government Bond 15+Y   UCITS   01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         ETF Dist 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 3-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU1650488494 Amundi Euro Government Bond 3-5Y UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          Acc 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 3-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU1650488817 Amundi Euro Government Bond 3-5Y UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         Dist 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 5-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU1287023003 Amundi Euro Government Bond 5-7Y UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          Acc 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 5-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF  LU2090062865 Amundi Euro Government Bond 5-7Y UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         Dist 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 7-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF LU1287023185 Amundi Euro Government Bond 7-10Y UCITS    01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          ETF Acc 
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 7-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF LU2090062949 Amundi Euro Government Bond 7-10Y UCITS    01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         ETF Dist 
Lyxor Euro Government Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF LU2356220926 Amundi Euro Government Green Bond   UCITS  01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          ETF Acc 
Lyxor EURO STOXX Banks (DR) UCITS ETF Acc       LU1829219390 Amundi Euro Stoxx Banks UCITS ETF Acc      01/01/2024 
Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt LU1287023342 Amundi Euro Highest Rated Macro-Weighted   01/01/2024 
Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Acc                                      Government Bond UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt LU1829219556 Amundi Euro Highest Rated Macro-Weighted   01/01/2024 
Bond 1-3Y (DR) UCITS ETF Acc                                 Government Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt LU1829219713 Amundi Euro Highest Rated Macro-Weighted   01/01/2024 
Bond 3-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF Acc                                 Government Bond 3-5Y UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor Fed Funds US Dollar Cash UCITS ETF Acc    LU1233598447 Amundi Fed Funds US Dollar Cash UCITS ETF  01/01/2024 
Lyxor Fed Funds US Dollar Cash UCITS ETF Dist   LU2090062352 Amundi Fed Funds US Dollar Cash UCITS ETF  01/01/2024 
Lyxor FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Acc                    LU1650492173 Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Acc              01/01/2024 
Lyxor FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Dist                   LU1650492256 Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Dist             01/01/2024 
Lyxor FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged to EUR  LU1650492330 Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc   01/01/2024 
- Acc 
Lyxor FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged to USD  LU1650492504 Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF USD Hedged Acc   01/01/2024 
- Acc 
Lyxor FTSE Italia All Cap PIR 2020 (DR) UCITS   LU1605710802 Amundi FTSE Italia All Cap PIR 2020 UCITS  01/01/2024 
ETF Acc                                                      ETF Acc 
Lyxor Global Green Bond 1-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1981859819 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y   01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor Global Green Bond 1-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1981860072 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y   01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to EUR - Acc                                  UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc 
Lyxor Global Green Bond 1-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1981860239 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y   01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to USD - Acc                                  UCITS ETF USD Hedged Acc 
Lyxor Global Green Bond 1-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1981860585 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y   01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist                                 UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Global Green Bond 1-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1981860668 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y   01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to CHF - Acc                                  UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Acc 
Lyxor Global Green Bond 1-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1981860742 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y   01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to CHF - Dist                                 UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Acc             LU1563454310 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond   UCITS 01/01/2024 
                                                             ETF Acc 
Lyxor Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Dist            LU1563454401 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond   UCITS 01/01/2024 
                                                             ETF Dist 
Lyxor Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged  LU1563454823 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond   UCITS 01/01/2024 
to EUR - Acc                                                 ETF EUR Hedged Acc 
Lyxor Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged  LU1563455630 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond   UCITS 01/01/2024 
to GBP - Dist                                                ETF GBP Hedged Dist 
Lyxor Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged  LU1563455713 Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond   UCITS 01/01/2024 
to CHF - Acc                                                 ETF CHF Hedged Acc 
Lyxor Inverse USUSD 10Y Inflation Expectations    LU1879532940 Amundi US Inverse Inflation Expectations   01/01/2024 
UCITS ETF Acc                                                10Y UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor MSCI AC Asia Ex Japan UCITS ETF Acc       LU1900068161 Amundi MSCI AC Asia Ex Japan UCITS ETF Acc 01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI AC Asia Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF   LU1900068328 Amundi MSCI AC Asia Pacific Ex Japan UCITS 01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          ETF Acc 
Lyxor MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF Acc      LU1829220133 Amundi MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF    01/01/2024 
(USD)                                                        USD Acc 
Lyxor MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF Acc      LU1829220216 Amundi MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF    01/01/2024 
(EUR)                                                        EUR Acc 
Lyxor MSCI Brazil UCITS ETF Acc                 LU1900066207 Amundi MSCI Brazil UCITS ETF Acc           01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI China ESG Leaders Extra (DR) UCITS   LU1900068914 Amundi MSCI China ESG Leaders Extra UCITS  01/01/2024 
ETF Acc                                                      ETF Acc 
Lyxor MSCI China UCITS ETF Acc                  LU1841731745 Amundi MSCI China UCITS ETF Acc            01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI Eastern Europe Ex Russia UCITS ETF   LU1900066462 Amundi MSCI Eastern Europe Ex Russia UCITS 01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          ETF Acc 
Lyxor MSCI Eastern Europe Ex Russia UCITS ETF   LU2090063160 Amundi MSCI Eastern Europe Ex Russia UCITS 01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         ETF Dist 
Lyxor MSCI EM Asia UCITS ETF Acc                LU1781541849 Amundi MSCI Emerging Asia II UCITS ETF Acc 01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI Emerging Markets Ex China UCITS ETF  LU2009202107 Amundi MSCI Emerging Ex China UCITS ETF    01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          Acc 
Lyxor MSCI Europe ESG Leaders (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1940199711 Amundi MSCI Europe ESG Leaders UCITS ETF   01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          Acc 
Lyxor MSCI Europe ESG Leaders (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1940199984 Amundi MSCI Europe ESG Leaders UCITS ETF   01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to EUR - Acc                                  EUR Hedged Acc 
Lyxor MSCI Indonesia UCITS ETF Acc              LU1900065811 Amundi MSCI Indonesia UCITS ETF Acc        01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI Korea UCITS ETF Acc                  LU1900066975 Amundi MSCI Korea UCITS ETF Acc            01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF Dist      LU1220245556 Amundi MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF     01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI Turkey UCITS ETF Acc                 LU1900067601 Amundi MSCI Turkey UCITS ETF Acc           01/01/2024 
Lyxor MSCI World Financials TR UCITS ETF Acc    LU0533032859 Amundi MSCI World Financials UCITS ETF EUR 01/01/2024 
(EUR)                                                        Acc 
Lyxor MSCI World Financials TR UCITS ETF Acc    LU0533033071 Amundi MSCI World Financials UCITS ETF USD 01/01/2024 
(USD)                                                        Acc 
Lyxor MSCI World Health Care TR UCITS ETF Acc   LU0533033238 Amundi MSCI World Health Care UCITS ETF    01/01/2024 
(EUR)                                                        EUR Acc 
Lyxor MSCI World Health Care TR UCITS ETF Acc   LU0533033311 Amundi MSCI World Health Care UCITS ETF    01/01/2024 
(USD)                                                        USD Acc 
Lyxor MSCI World Information Technology TR      LU0533033667 Amundi MSCI World Information Technology   01/01/2024 
UCITS ETF Acc (EUR)                                          UCITS ETF EUR Acc 
Lyxor MSCI World Information Technology TR      LU0533033741 Amundi MSCI World Information Technology   01/01/2024 
UCITS ETF Acc (USD)                                          UCITS ETF USD Acc 
Lyxor Nasdaq-100 UCITS ETF Acc                  LU1829221024 Amundi Nasdaq-100 II UCITS ETF Acc         01/01/2024 
Lyxor Nasdaq-100 UCITS ETF Daily Hedged to EUR  LU1954152853 Amundi Nasdaq-100 II UCITS ETF EUR Hedged  01/01/2024 
- Acc                                                        Acc 
Lyxor Nasdaq-100 UCITS ETF Dist-USD             LU2197908721 Amundi Nasdaq-100 II UCITS ETF Dist        01/01/2024 
Lyxor Net Zero 2050 S&P Eurozone Climate PAB    LU2195226068 Amundi S&P Eurozone PAB Net Zero Ambition  01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Acc                                           UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor Pan Africa UCITS ETF Acc                  LU1287022708 Amundi Pan Africa UCITS ETF Acc            01/01/2024 
Lyxor S&P 500 Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc LU1327051279 Amundi S&P 500 Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS   01/01/2024 
                                                             ETF Acc 
Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF Dist (EUR)              LU0496786574 Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF EUR Dist       01/01/2024 
Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF Dist (USD)              LU0496786657 Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF USD Dist       01/01/2024 
Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF Daily Hedged to EUR -   LU0959211243 Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF EUR Hedged     01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         Dist 
Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF Daily Hedged to EUR -   LU0959211326 Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc 01/01/2024 
Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF Acc                     LU1135865084 Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF Acc            01/01/2024 
Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF Daily Hedged to CHF -   LU1302703878 Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF CHF Hedged     01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         Dist 
Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF Daily Hedged to GBP -   LU1950341179 Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF GBP Hedged     01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         Dist 
Lyxor S&P 500 VIX Futures Enhanced Roll UCITS   LU0832435464 Amundi S&P 500 VIX Futures Enhanced Roll   01/01/2024 
ETF Acc                                                      UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor S&P Eurozone ESG Dividend Aristocrats     LU0959210278 Amundi S&P Eurozone Dividend Aristocrat    01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Dist                                          ESG UCITS ETF Dist 
Lyxor S&P Eurozone ESG Dividend Aristocrats     LU0959210781 Amundi S&P Eurozone Dividend Aristocrat    01/01/2024 
(DR) UCITS ETF Acc                                           ESG UCITS ETF Acc 
Lyxor SG Global Quality Income NTR UCITS ETF    LU0832436512 Amundi Global Equity Quality Income  UCITS 01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         ETF Dist 
Lyxor SG Global Quality Income NTR UCITS ETF    LU0855692520 Amundi Global Equity Quality Income  UCITS 01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          ETF Acc 
Lyxor SG Global Quality Income NTR UCITS ETF    LU1040688639 Amundi Global Equity Quality Income  UCITS 01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to GBP - Acc                                  ETF GBP Hedged Acc 
Lyxor UK Government Bond 0-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF    LU1439943090 Amundi UK Government Bond 0-5Y   UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Dist                                                         Dist 
Lyxor US Curve Steepening 2-10 UCITS ETF Acc    LU2018762653 Amundi US Curve steepening 2-10Y UCITS ETF 01/01/2024 
Lyxor USUSD 10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS ETF  LU1390062831 Amundi US Inflation Expectations 10Y UCITS 01/01/2024 
Acc                                                          ETF Acc 
Lyxor USUSD 10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS ETF  LU2418815390 Amundi US Inflation Expectations 10Y UCITS 01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist                                 ETF GBP Hedged Dist 
Lyxor USUSD 10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS ETF  LU2418815473 Amundi US Inflation Expectations 10Y UCITS 01/01/2024 
Monthly Hedged to EUR - Dist                                 ETF EUR Hedged Dist 

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ISIN:          LU1829218749, LU1900069219, LU1829219127, LU2573966905, LU2573967036, LU1407890547, LU1407890620, 
               LU1407890976, LU1407891271, LU2338178648, LU0496786905, LU1650491282, LU1650491795, LU2099288503, 
               LU2099289147, LU1910939849, LU1910940268, LU1910940425, LU1646360971, LU1646361276, LU1781541179, 
               LU1407892592, LU1407893301, LU1452600197, LU1452600270, LU1452600437, LU1452600601, LU2370241684, 
               LU0252634307, LU2090062600, LU0252633754, LU2090062436, LU1829218822, LU1390062245, LU1650490474, 
               LU1650490805, LU1650489385, LU1650489898, LU1650487413, LU1650487926, LU1287023268, LU2090062782, 
               LU1650488494, LU1650488817, LU1287023003, LU2090062865, LU1287023185, LU2090062949, LU2356220926, 
               LU1829219390, LU1287023342, LU1829219556, LU1829219713, LU1233598447, LU2090062352, LU1650492173, 
               LU1650492256, LU1650492330, LU1650492504, LU1605710802, LU1981859819, LU1981860072, LU1981860239, 
               LU1981860585, LU1981860668, LU1981860742, LU1563454310, LU1563454401, LU1563454823, LU1563455630, 
               LU1563455713, LU1879532940, LU1900068161, LU1900068328, LU1829220133, LU1829220216, LU1900066207, 
               LU1900068914, LU1841731745, LU1900066462, LU2090063160, LU1781541849, LU2009202107, LU1940199711, 
               LU1940199984, LU1900065811, LU1900066975, LU1220245556, LU1900067601, LU0533032859, LU0533033071, 
               LU0533033238, LU0533033311, LU0533033667, LU0533033741, LU1829221024, LU1954152853, LU2197908721, 
               LU2195226068, LU1287022708, LU1327051279, LU0496786574, LU0496786657, LU0959211243, LU0959211326, 
               LU1135865084, LU1302703878, LU1950341179, LU0832435464, LU0959210278, LU0959210781, LU0832436512, 
               LU0855692520, LU1040688639, LU1439943090, LU2018762653, LU1390062831, LU2418815390, LU2418815473, 
Category Code: MSCM 
TIDM:          - 
LEI Code:      DQ2T0MMUTO0IPF9G9Z35 
Sequence No.:  294478 
EQS News ID:   1805253 
End of Announcement  EQS News Service 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 28, 2023 10:15 ET (15:15 GMT)

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