16 April 2024
Bluejay Mining plc / Ticker: JAY /
Market: AIM / Sector: Mining
Dundas Ilmenite Resource
Bluejay Mining plc ('Bluejay' or the 'Company'), the AIM, FSE listed and
Pink-Market traded exploration and development company with
projects in Greenland and Finland, is pleased to provide an update
on the Company's 100% owned Dundas Ilmenite Project ('Dundas' or the 'Project') located in North-West
Following an in depth assessment of
deficiencies in the 2022 work programs at Dundas, alongside
consultations with various independent consultants, the Company has
determined that there is sufficient evidence to warrant the
reinstatement of the 2019 Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) at the
Dundas Ilmenite Project. After joining the Company in late December
2023, significant concerns were raised by
the new management team regarding the accuracy and
representativeness of the 2023 MRE. This decision to reinstate the
2019 MRE reflects the Company's well-informed position that the
downgrade in the 2023 MRE was the result of multiple factors,
including the use of unsuitable drilling methods, and questionable
Bluejay reaffirms its commitment to
transparency and integrity with its shareholders and will continue
to prioritize clear communication, accountability and ethical
conduct. The Company is also considering its legal options
concerning individuals involved in the 2023 resource estimation
process, including former members of management.
JORC resource historic
Drilling Method
Sampled Meters & No. of Holes
Results Available & Months Delay
Programme Result
2019 MRE Work
Shallow Auger
182 m
190 holes
April 2017
(8 months)
8.8% Ilmenite in-situ
Sonic & Shallow Auger
678 m
261 holes
April 2018
(8 months)
6.9% Ilmenite in-situ
643 m
201 holes
May 2019
(9 months)
117 Mt
6.1% ilmenite in-situ
2023 MRE Work
395 m
153 holes
September 2023
(13 months)
4.2% Ilmenite in-situ
*Downgrade from 59.3Mt at 6.8%
ilmenite in-situ within Moriusaq West
Concerns and Observations of the 2022 Work
Choice of Drill
Rig: In 2022, a Geoprobe rig, which
deploys a combination of direct push, diamond drilling, and other
methods was selected by the Company's prior management as an
alternative method of drilling to the sonic rig:
o Diamond drilling is rarely, if ever, deployed during
exploration of mineral sand deposits.
o At
Dundas, a sonic drill was successfully used on prior campaigns to
collect high-quality core samples from the subsurface.
o Sonic drilling is an industry standard for achieving
representative samples in unconsolidated sediment.
Variability in
Sample Types: The utilization of
multiple drilling approaches (direct push, diamond, auger, etc) led
to inconsistencies in sample types, recovery rates, and
comparability of results.
Challenges with
Diamond Drilling: Diamond drilling
with water lubrication in hard ground conditions resulted in poor
core recovery and material washing, particularly affecting particle
size distribution (PSD), and recovery of sand.
Short Drill
Runs: Short drill runs yielded a
significant number of very short samples, highlighting drilling
difficulties alongside repeated hole withdrawals and
Limitations: Geoprobe struggled to
penetrate ice-bound sediment, leading to misinterpretation of
basement refusal as bedrock, negatively impacting both grade and
tonnage estimates.
Exclusion of
Fluvial Zones: Fluvial zones were
omitted from resource estimation without sufficient justification,
potentially overlooking significant resource areas.
Rejection of
Pre-2022 Exploration Data: During
the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) process in May 2023, all
exploration data predating 2022 was dismissed without a valid
Neglect of
Oversight: The 2022 Qualified Person
refrained from visiting site and failed to engage with pre-2022
consultants to rectify disparities in grade and tonnage
Eric Sondergaard, Managing Director, commented:
"The resource downgrade of the Dundas Ilmenite
Project on September 21, 2023, came as a shock to all shareholders,
including myself. The release lacked critical and necessary
disclosures, compelling the new board to initiate an internal
review. This unpaid work was undertaken by independent, globally
recognised resource and feasibility experts, and raised serious
concerns regarding the execution of the 2022 drilling campaign,
decision making processes, and resultant resource amendments. The
assertions made by former management that 1.5 months of inefficient
and ineffective exploration in 2022 is more representative than the
cumulative three-year work stream preceding it is fraught with
problems. As such the Company is reviewing suitable courses of
action to retrieve the effectively wasted shareholder capital from
those responsible.
On a brighter note, we are very
pleased that consensus exists to re-instate the 2019 Mineral
Resource Estimate. The Company is taking steps to finalize this
process, which has begun with a low-cost review of limited sample
material available from the 2022 campaign. As Dundas is fully
permitted, with a valid mining license, we will continue to review
critical aspects of the project, as well as potential value adding
acquisitions within the country."
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical
disclosure included in this announcement has been reviewed and
approved by Roderick McIllree, a director of Bluejay Mining plc,
who is also a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy (FAusIMM). Mr. McIllree has sufficient experience,
relevant to the styles of mineralisation and type of deposits under
consideration and to the activity that he is undertaking, to
qualify as a Qualified Person ('QP') as defined by the AIM rules,
and for the purposes of The Australasian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr.
McIllree has reviewed this press release and consents to the
inclusion in the press release of the matters based on his
information in the form and context in which this
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)
The information contained within
this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside
information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU)
No. 596/2014 ('MAR') which has been incorporated into UK law by the
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
For further information please
visit http://www.bluejaymining.com or
Eric Sondergaard
Bluejay Mining plc
Ewan Leggat / Adam Cowl
SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP
(Nominated Adviser and Broker)
+44 (0) 20 3470 0470
Tim Blythe / Megan Ray / Said
(Media Contact)
+44 (0) 20 7138 3205
2022 MRE Drilling Campaign at
Dundas, from 2022 Internal Post-Season Debrief
Bluejay Mining conducted a drill
programme at its Dundas Ilmenite project in 2022, intending to
operate on a 7-day per week and 24hr basis with one day shift and
one night shift. The planned programme aimed to drill a total of
1323 meters. Due to slow progress, drilling issues, broken
equipment, the programme reverted to a single dayshift for the
remaining 50% of the programme. The actual programme recovered 395m
of sampled material. In a highly irregular course of events,
multiple drilling methods were used or attempted including Hollow
Stem Auger, Direct Push, Diamond Coring, Split Spoon, Continuous
Sampling, HWT, Downhole Hammering, and ODEX Hammering. The primary
drilling methods were Hollow Stem Auger, Diamond Coring and Direct
Push, within the same borehole.
A detailed internal presentation
documenting the issues mentioned was distributed to a board member
in September 2022. This presentation was never distributed to the
broader Board of Directors.
Hollow Stem
A hollow stem auger is a drilling
tool used in geotechnical and environmental drilling. It consists
of a hollow steel tube with a cutting bit on the end. The larger
footprint of the augers can disturb the surrounding environment,
leading to complications such as flowing sands, sand lock (the
entrapment of sand in the auger), and ice rinds (frozen layers) in
ice-bound sediment. Hollow stem auger drilling requires specialized
equipment with specific torque and weight requirements. If the
equipment lacks sufficient power or stability, it cannot
effectively penetrate tough formations.

1: New auger bit (left), used
auger bit (centre), damaged auger flyte (right)
In rocky or ice conditions, augers
may struggle to retrieve intact samples due to the resistance of
the material. This can compromise the representativeness of the
samples collected and affect subsequent analyses. In the 2022
programme, the hollow stem auger was often used as "casing", to
drill and recover the first meter.
Direct Push
Direct push sampling method is a
technique used to collect soil directly from the subsurface. Unlike
traditional drilling methods that involve rotary drilling or
augering, direct push does not involve the removal of soil or rock
during drilling. Instead, specialized tools are pushed into the
ground to collect samples. During the 2022 field programme,
borehole stability was a continual problem, particularly in
unstable formations, where the boreholes could collapse or freeze
around the sampling tool, significantly affecting sample quality
and integrity. Additionally, the method's shallow depth penetration
restricted its exploration potential, especially in areas requiring
deeper sampling. Concerns about sample integrity arose due to the
method's inability to remove soil or rock during drilling,
potentially distorting collected samples. First meter recovery
averaged only 83% during the 2022 drilling programme, which is
typically the highest-grade portion of the orebody.

2: Damaged direct push bit
(left), sand liquefaction and escape (right)
Diamond coring is a drilling
technique that uses a diamond-tipped bit to extract cylindrical
samples of consolidated rock from the subsurface, with significant
amounts of water being used to cool the bit.

3: Diamond coring samples
showing preferential washing of sand, reduced sample
The use of water during diamond
coring, intended to aid in lubrication and debris removal, had
adverse impacts on the representativeness of the collected samples,
particularly in sand-rich intervals. This resulted in two obvious
issues: the reduction of sand core (sample) diameter due to
prolonged drilling time with water, and the outright washing away
of sand, leaving behind only coarser-grained material, especially
at the beginning of drilling runs. Additionally, the observed
ejection of particles smaller than 5 mm coming out of the hole,
along with water returns, has major implications on the particle
size distribution of retrieved samples.
An analysis of rejected sand, often present in significant
quantities, was found to carry significant grade. Furthermore, the
combined use of diamond coring and the hollow stem auger was often
reported to have liquified the ground contributing to an increase
in the diameter of the borehole, further complicating sampling
operations. Collectively, these factors highlight the obvious lack
of suitability of the equipment selected to undertake the 2022
drilling campaign. It is not obvious in any capacity why these
samples were regarded as being representative of the subsurface,
and the Dundas orebody.

4: Sand reject material being
ejected from hole (left), collected/sampled sand reject material

1: Example comparing Geoprobe
drillhole analytical results to reject sand collected from the same
drilling location
About Bluejay Mining plc
Bluejay is listed on the London AIM
market and Frankfurt Stock Exchange and its shares also trade on
the Pink Market in the US. With multiple projects in Greenland and
Finland, Bluejay offers both portfolio and commodity
diversification focused on base and precious metals in Tier 1
Bluejay, through its wholly owned
subsidiary Disko Exploration Ltd., has signed a definitive Joint
Venture Agreement with KoBold Metals to guide exploration for new
deposits rich in the critical materials required for the green
energy transition and electric vehicles (the Disko-Nuussuaq
nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE Project). This project is Bluejay's
primary focus.
Bluejay's most advanced project is
the Dundas Ilmenite Project in Greenland, which is fully permitted
and being developed towards production in the near term, with
preparatory activities scheduled to commence in 2022. Dundas has a
Mineral Resource reported in accordance with the JORC Code of 117Mt
at 6.1% ilmenite and a maiden offshore Exploration Target of
between 300Mt and 530Mt of ilmenite at an average expected grade
range of 0.4 - 4.8% ilmenite in-situ. The Company has agreed a
Master Distribution Agreement with a major Asian conglomerate for
up-to 340ktpa of its anticipated 440ktpa annual output. The Company
has signed on a major European bank to head the financing syndicate
for Dundas. The Company's strategy is focused on securing financing
ahead of commencing commercial production at Dundas in order to
create a company capable of self-funding exploration on its current
and future projects.
Disko Exploration Ltd holds two
additional projects in Greenland - the 692 sq km Kangerluarsuk
zinc-lead- silver project, where historical work has recovered
grades of up to 45.4% zinc, 9.3% lead and 596 g/t silver; and the
920 sq km Thunderstone project which has the potential to host
large-scale base metal and gold deposits. Bluejay also owns 100% of
the fully permitted Dundas Ilmenite Project under its subsidiary
Dundas Titanium A/S in northwest Greenland.
In Finland, Bluejay currently holds
three large scale multi-metal projects through its wholly owned
subsidiary FinnAust Mining Finland Oy. The Company has identified
multiple drill ready targets at the Enonkoski nickel-copper-cobalt
project in East Finland. Bluejay's Hammaslahti
copper-zinc-gold-silver project hosts high-grade VMS mineralisation
and extensions of historical ore lodes have been proven. The drill
ready Outokumpu copper-nickel-cobalt-zinc-gold-silver project is
located in a prolific geological belt that hosts several high-grade
former mines. In August 2023, Bluejay successfully divested its
Black Schist Projects in Finland to Metals One plc in a transaction
worth £4.125 million (Bluejay currently owns c. 29% of the issued
ordinary share capital of AIM listed Metals One plc).