RNS Number : 4174Y 
Marwyn Materials Limited 
02 September 2009 

Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to present the interim financial statements of Marwyn Materials 
Limited for the first six months of 2009. 
Acquisition strategy 
Marwyn Materials Limited was established to acquire controlling interests in 
building materials businesses, both listed and unquoted, in the UK, Europe and 
US, with a view to creating shareholder value through market consolidation. This 
continued to be the group's strategy throughout the period under review. 
The group's loss after taxation for the period from incorporation to 30 June 
2009 was GBP435,050 which was in line with the expected result for this period. 
Costs incurred to date include GBP75,000 in relation to due diligence carried 
out on acquisition targets by the group's professional advisers but with a large 
proportion of work carried out by the management. 
As at 30 June 2009, the group had net cash balances totalling GBP12.5 million. 
It is the board's policy that prior to making the first acquisition, no 
dividends will be paid. Following the first acquisition, subject to availability 
of distributable reserves, dividends will be paid to shareholders when the 
directors believe it is appropriate and prudent to do so. However, the main 
focus of the group will be on delivering capital growth for shareholders. 
The group continues to pursue its stated acquisition strategy. The short term 
trading performance for building materials businesses has remained difficult and 
we continue to review a number of opportunities to acquire attractive assets at 
a cyclical low point for the industry. 
We believe that Marwyn Materials, with its strong and experienced management 
team, is well placed to exploit the available opportunities as they arise. 
Peter Tom 
2nd September 2009 
Marwyn Materials Limited 
Peter Tom020 7389 6800 
Simon Vivian    020 7389 6800 
Cenkos Securities plc 
Nicholas Wells020 7397 8920 
|                                  |      |     30 June 2009 |    | 31 December 2008 | 
|                                  |      |      (unaudited) |    |        (audited) | 
|                                  |      |              GBP |    |              GBP | 
|                                  |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Assets                           |      |                  |    |                  | 
|                                  |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Receivables                      |      |            7,726 |    |           14,195 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents        |      |       12,450,273 |    |       12,806,100 | 
| Total current assets             |      |       12,457,999 |    |       12,820,295 | 
| Total assets                     |      |       12,457,999 |    |       12,820,295 | 
|                                  |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Equity                           |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Share capital                    |      |       13,262,480 |    |       13,262,480 | 
| Equity-settled employee benefits |      |            1,263 |    |              680 | 
| reserve                          |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Accumulated losses               |      |      (1,177,545) |    |        (742,495) | 
| Total equity attributable to the |      |       12,086,198 |    |       12,520,665 | 
| shareholders of the Company      |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Total equity                     |      |       12,086,198 |    |       12,520,665 | 
|                                  |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Non-current liabilities          |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Taxation                         |      |            5,048 |    |            1,913 | 
| Total non-current liabilities    |      |            5,048 |    |            1,913 | 
|                                  |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Current liabilities              |      |                  |    |                  | 
| Trade and other payables         |      |          366,753 |    |          297,717 | 
| Total current liabilities        |      |          366,753 |    |          297,717 | 
| Total liabilities                |      |          371,801 |    |          299,630 | 
| Total equity and liabilities     |      |       12,457,999 |    |       12,820,295 | 
These condensed interim financial statements were approved and authorised for 
issue by the Board of Directors on 2nd September 2009 and signed on its behalf 
Peter Tom CBE    Simon Vivian 
Chairman    Chief Executive 
For the 6 months ended 30 June 
|                                                 |      |       2009  |    |       2008  | 
|                                                 |      | (unaudited) |    | (unaudited) | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
|                                                 |      |         GBP |    |         GBP | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
| Interest income                                 |      |      60,733 |    |           - | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
| Employee expenses                               |      |   (128,224) |    |           - | 
| Professional and consultancy expenses           |      |   (309,419) |    |    (62,349) | 
| Other expenses                                  |      |    (55,006) |    |     (3,133) | 
|                                                 |      |   (492,649) |    |    (65,482) | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
| Results from operating activities               |      |   (431,916) |    |    (65,482) | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
| Loss before income tax                          |      |   (431,916) |    |    (65,482) | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
| Income tax expense                              |      |     (3,134) |    |           - | 
| Loss for the period                             |      |   (435,050) |    |    (65,482) | 
| Other comprehensive income                      |      |           - |    |           - | 
| Total comprehensive income for the period       |      |   (435,050) |    |    (65,482) | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
| Attributable to:                                |      |             |    |             | 
| Owners of the Company                           |      |   (435,050) |    |    (65,482) | 
| Total comprehensive income for the period       |      |   (435,050) |    |    (65,482) | 
|                                                 |      |             |    |             | 
| Earnings per share                              |      |             |    |             | 
| Basic and diluted loss per share                |      |     (0.32p) |    |     (0.46p) | 
All the group's activities derive from continuing operations. 
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2008 (unaudited) 
|                     |            |                |                |               |          | 
|                     |      Share | Equity-settled |    Accumulated |         Total |          | 
|                     |    capital |       employee |         losses |               |          | 
|                     |            |       benefits |                |               |          | 
|                     |            |        reserve |                |               |          | 
|                     |        GBP |            GBP |            GBP |           GBP |          | 
| Balance at 1        |          2 |                |          (600) |         (598) |          | 
| January 2008        |            |              - |                |               |          | 
| Loss for the period |          - |                |       (65,482) |      (65,482) |          | 
|                     |            |              - |                |               |          | 
| Other comprehensive |          - |                |              - |             - |          | 
| income              |            |              - |                |               |          | 
| Total comprehensive |          - |                |       (65,482) |      (65,482) |          | 
| income              |            |              - |                |               |          | 
| Recognition of      |          - |                |              - |            93 |          | 
| share-based         |            |             93 |                |               |          | 
| payments            |            |                |                |               |          | 
| Issue of ordinary   | 13,599,998 |              - |              - |    13,599,998 |          | 
| shares during the   |            |                |                |               |          | 
| period              |            |                |                |               |          | 
| Costs directly      |  (337,520) |              - |              - |     (337,520) |          | 
| related to the      |            |                |                |               |          | 
| issue of capital    |            |                |                |               |          | 
|                     | 13,262,480 |                |       (66,082) |    13,196,491 |          | 
| Balance at 30 June  |            |             93 |                |               |          | 
| 2008                |            |                |                |               |          | 
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 
|                          |               |             |             |                       | 
|                          | Share         | Equity-     | Accumulated | Total      |          | 
|                          | capital       | settled     | losses      |            |          | 
|                          |               | employee    |             |            |          | 
|                          |               | benefits    |             |            |          | 
|                          |               | reserve     |             |            |          | 
|                          | GBP           | GBP         | GBP         | GBP        |          | 
| Balance at 1 January     | 13,262,480    |             | (742,495)   | 12,520,665 |          | 
| 2009                     |               |         680 |             |            |          | 
| Loss for the period      | -             | -           | (435,050)   | (435,050)  |          | 
| Other comprehensive      | -             | -           | -           | -          |          | 
| income                   |               |             |             |            |          | 
| Total comprehensive      | -             | -           | (435,050)   | (435,050)  |          | 
| income                   |               |             |             |            |          | 
| Recognition of           | -             | 583         | -           | 583        |          | 
| share-based payments     |               |             |             |            |          | 
| Issue of ordinary shares |               |             |             |            |          | 
| during the period        |               |             |             |            |          | 
| Costs directly related   |               |             |             |            |          | 
| to the issue of capital  |               |             |             |            |          | 
| Balance at 30 June 2009  | 13,262,480    | 1,263       | (1,177,545) | 12,086,198 |          | 
All the group's activities derive from continuing operations. 
For the 6 months ended 30 June 
|             |        |        | 2009        |        | 2008        | 
|             |        |        | (unaudited) |        | (unaudited) | 
|             |        |        |             |        |             | 
|             |        |        | GBP         |        | GBP         | 
|             |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Cash        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| flows       |        |        |             |        |             | 
| from        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| operating   |        |        |             |        |             | 
| activities: |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Interest    |        |        | 69,768      |        | -           | 
| received    |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Payments    |        |        | (425,595)   |        | -           | 
| to          |        |        |             |        |             | 
| suppliers   |        |        |             |        |             | 
| and         |        |        |             |        |             | 
| employees   |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Net         |        |        | (355,827)   |        | -           | 
| cash        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| generated   |        |        |             |        |             | 
| by          |        |        |             |        |             | 
| operating   |        |        |             |        |             | 
| activities  |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Cash        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| flows       |        |        |             |        |             | 
| from        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| financing   |        |        |             |        |             | 
| activities: |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Proceeds    |        |        | -           |        | 13,600,000  | 
| from        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| issue of    |        |        |             |        |             | 
| share       |        |        |             |        |             | 
| capital     |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Payment     |        |        | -           |        | (337,520)   | 
| for         |        |        |             |        |             | 
| share       |        |        |             |        |             | 
| issue       |        |        |             |        |             | 
| costs       |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Net         |        |        | -           |        | 13,262,480  | 
| cash        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| from        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| financing   |        |        |             |        |             | 
| activities  |        |        |             |        |             | 
|             |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Net         |        |        | (355,827)   |        | 13,262,480  | 
| decrease    |        |        |             |        |             | 
| in cash     |        |        |             |        |             | 
| and cash    |        |        |             |        |             | 
| equivalents |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Cash        |        |        | 12,806,100  |        | -           | 
| and         |        |        |             |        |             | 
| cash        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| equivalents |        |        |             |        |             | 
| at 1        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| January     |        |        |             |        |             | 
| Cash        |        |        | 12,450,273  |        | 13,262,480  | 
| and         |        |        |             |        |             | 
| cash        |        |        |             |        |             | 
| equivalents |        |        |             |        |             | 
| at 30 June  |        |        |             |        |             | 
1. Reporting entity 
Marwyn Materials Limited (the "Company") is a company domiciled in Jersey. The 
address of the Company's registered office is Elizabeth House, 9 Castle Street, 
St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RT. 
The Company is listed on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM"). 
This condensed consolidated interim financial information has not been audited 
and was approved for issue on 2nd September 2009. 
2.Statement of compliance 
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months 
ended 30 June 2009 have been prepared in accordance with International 
Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the 
European Union.  The condensed consolidated interim financial statements should 
be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 
31 December 2008. 
3. Accounting policies 
The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the annual 
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008, as described in those 
annual financial statements, except for the adoption of new standards and 
interpretations as noted below: 
- IAS 1 (revised), 'Presentation of financial statements'. The revised standard 
prohibits the presentation of items of income and expenses (that is 'non-owner 
change in equity') in the consolidated statement of changes in equity, requiring 
'non-owner changes in equity' to be presented separately from owner changes in 
equity. All 'non-owner changes in equity' are required to be shown in a 
performance statement. Entities can choose whether to present one performance 
statement (the statement of comprehensive income) or two statements (the income 
statement and statement of comprehensive income). The group has elected to 
present one consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The interim 
financial statements have been prepared under the revised disclosure 
requirements which had no impact. 
- IFRS 8, 'Operating segments'. IFRS 8 replaces IAS 14, 'Segment reporting'. It 
requires a 'management approach' under which segment information is presented on 
the same basis as that used for internal reporting purposes. This has not 
resulted in any change to the presentation. The Directors are of the opinion 
that the group is engaged in a single geographic and economic business segment. 
The International Accounting Standards Board's Annual Improvements Project was 
published in May 2008, with the majority of changes being applicable for the 
period commencing 1 January 2009. The project made minor amendments to a number 
of standards, primarily with a view to removing inconsistencies and clarifying 
wording. The amendments to these standards did not have any impact on the 
accounting policies, financial position or performance of the group. 
Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would 
be applicable to expected total annual earnings. 
4. Seasonality 
The group does not currently operate in an industry where significant or 
cyclical variations as a result of seasonal activity are experienced during the 
financial year. 
5. Dividend 
It is the board's policy that prior to making the first acquisition, no 
dividends will be paid. Following the first acquisition, subject to availability 
of distributable reserves, dividends will be paid to shareholders when the 
directors believe it is appropriate and prudent to do so. However, the main 
focus of the group will be on delivering capital growth for shareholders. 
 6. Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share 
The calculation of basic earnings per share at 30 June 2009 (0.32p loss) was 
based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP435,050 and a 
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 136m. 
The calculation of basic earnings per share at 30 June 2008 (0.46p loss) was 
based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP65,482 and a 
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 14.2m. 
Diluted earnings per share 
The calculation of basic earnings per share at 30 June 2009 (0.32p loss) was 
based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP435,050 and a 
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 136m.  The 
Participation Shares in issuance during the period are not included in the 
calculation of weighted average outstanding ordinary shares for the diluted 
earnings per share calculation as the effect is anti-dilutive. 
The calculation of basic earnings per share at 30 June 2008 (0.46p loss) was 
based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP65,482 and a 
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 14.2m.  The 
Participation Shares in issuance during the period are not included in the 
calculation of weighted average outstanding ordinary shares for the diluted 
earnings per share calculation as the effect is anti-dilutive. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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Grafico Azioni Marwyn Mat. (LSE:MMAT)
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