This document corrects and replaces the Parex Resources Inc. release that was
issued May 12, 2014 at 16:56 ET. The second header of the release read, "Fourth
Quarter and 2013 Financial Summary" but should have read, "First Quarter 2014
Financial Summary." The complete and corrected release follows.


Parex Resources Inc. ("Parex" or the "Company") (TSX:PXT), a company focused on
Colombian oil exploration and production, is pleased to announce financial and
operating results for the three months ("First Quarter" or "Q1") ended March 31,
2014. All amounts herein are in United States dollars unless otherwise stated.

Q1 2014 Financial and Operational Highlights:

--  Achieved a record quarterly oil production of 18,425 barrels per day, an
    increase of 7 percent over the three months ending December 31, 2013;  
--  Generated funds flow from operations of $76.7 million ($0.70 per share
--  Realized sales price in Colombia averaged $103.42 per barrel of oil and
    an operating netback of $61.20 per bbl; 
--  The Company participated in drilling 10 gross (6.15 net) wells in
    Colombia resulting in 3 oil wells, 2 disposal wells, 4 cased and
    untested and 1 dry and abandoned.(1) 

First Quarter 2014 Financial Summary

For Q1 2014, sales volumes averaged 19,099 bopd (net working interest before
royalty) and the average realized sales price in Colombia was $103.42 per barrel
("/bbl"), generating an operating netback of $61.20/bbl. 

Operating plus transportation unit costs were $27.74/bbl compared to $29.13/bbl
in the previous quarter. First quarter production expenses were $9.66/bbl
comprising of $7.57/bbl in operated fields and $14.99/bbl in non-operated

Funds flow from operations in the First Quarter of 2014 of $76.7 million ($0.70
per share basic) compared to $60.3 million ($0.56 per share basic) in the
comparative period. The Company's Q1 capital expenditures were $61.4 million,
which included $52.2 million for drilling and completions and $7.3 million for
facilities primarily at the Akira and Tua fields. 

Working capital surplus at period end was $37.0 million, including $40.3 million
in cash compared to a working capital surplus of $24.0 million in the previous
quarter. The Company had bank debt of $4.0 million on a current available
facility of $125 million. Net working capital, defined as working capital less
bank debt, increased by $17.5 million over December 31, 2013 to $33.0 million.

(1) Oil wells: Tua-6 (producing), Celtis-1 (temporarily suspended), Kananaskis-1
(temporarily suspended); Disposal wells: Akira-5, Ardisia-1; Untested: Akira-7,
Akira-8, Tigana-2, Tigana-3; Dry & Abandoned: Urraca-1. 

                                              Three Months ended      ended 
                                                       March 31,    Dec 31, 
                                                 2014       2013       2013 
Average daily production                                                    
  Oil (bbl/d)                                  18,425     14,440     17,287 
Average daily sales                                                         
  Oil (bbl/d)                                  19,099     13,328     17,365 
  Oil Inventory - end of period (barrels)      73,565    196,689    137,000 
Operating netback ($/bbl)                                                   
  Reference Price - Brent                      108.17     112.44     109.21 
  Oil revenue                                  103.42     109.63     101.64 
  Royalties                                    (14.48)    (15.15)    (11.73)
  Net revenue                                   88.94      94.48      89.91 
  Production expense                            (9.66)    (10.78)     (9.94)
  Transportation expense                       (18.08)    (16.67)    (19.19)
Operating netback                               61.20      67.03      60.78 
Financial ($000s except per share                                           
Oil and natural gas revenue                   179,794    164,990    166,959 
Net income                                      9,663     11,136     21,869 
  Per share - basic                              0.09       0.10       0.20 
Adjusted Net income (2)                        20,099      6,538     23,201 
  Per share - basic                              0.18       0.06       0.21 
Funds flow from operations                     76,746     60,226     75,818 
  Per share - basic                              0.70       0.56       0.70 
Capital expenditure                            61,405     47,172     58,817 
Total assets                                  882,306    827,821    854,808 
  Working capital surplus                      36,957     16,972     24,005 
  Convertible debentures(3)                    64,728     65,402     66,060 
  Long-term debt (4)                            4,000     20,000      8,530 
Outstanding shares (end of period) (000s)                                   
  Basic                                       109,783    108,514    108,712 
  Diluted(5)                                  118,353    112,847    118,276 
(1)   The table above contains Non-GAAP measures.                           
(2)   Net income has been adjusted for the International Financial Reporting
      Standards ("IFRS") accounting effects of changes in the derivative    
      financial liability related to the convertible debenture. Management  
      considers adjusted net income a better measure of the Company's       
      financial performance.                                                
(3)   Face value of the convertible debenture is Cdn$85 million with a      
      conversion price of Cdn$10.15 per share.                              
(4)   Borrowing limit currently set at $125 million.                        
(5)   Diluted shares as stated include the effects of common shares and in- 
      the-money stock options outstanding at the period-end. The March 31,  
      2014 closing stock price was Cdn$9.50 per share.                      

Business Development: Expanding Drilling Inventory

--  Capachos Farm-in: On May 5th, 2014 Parex has signed a farm-in agreement
    with Ecopetrol S.A. for the joint development of the Capachos Block,
    situated in the northern foothills of the Llanos Basin. Pursuant to the
    terms of the farm-in agreement, Parex will pay 100% of the cost of two
    wells in the Capachos development focus area to re-activate the field
    and earn 50% working interest and operatorship. The Capachos development
    area is approximately 8 kilometers long, has multi-zone potential at a
    depth of approximately 16,000 feet and has produced light oil prior to
    being shut-in. We expect to commence drilling operations in Q1 2015
    subject to regulatory approval from the National Hydrocarbons Agency
--  Sorgenia Acquisition: Parex has purchased Sorgenia E&P Colombia B.V.
    ("Sorgenia") for a cash consideration of approximately $5 million. The
    acquisition consolidates our working interest to 100% and removes prior
    farm-in carries for LLA-24 and LLA-26. We also acquire 25% working
    interest in the Llanos Basin Cerrero Block and 10% working interest in
    the Balay development area.  
--  Cerrero Farm-in: Parex has signed a farm-in agreement with Perenco for
    the Cerrero Block which is located directly west of the Corcel and LLA-
    34 blocks. Pursuant to the terms of the farm-in agreement, Parex will
    pay 75% of the cost of one exploration well to earn 40% working interest
    and block operatorship. Subsequent to the farm-in and Sorgenia
    acquisition our Cerrero working interest will be 65%.  

Operational Update

A summary of the current drilling/testing program plus the immediately following
locations is provided below:

#     Prospect/Well       Block              Timing / Status                
1     Akira Field         Cabrestero         Facility Commissioning May     
2     Arlequin-1          Cebucan            Casing Well                    
3     Begonia-1           LLA-40             Tested 2,100 bopd              
4     Calona-1            LLA-32             Ready to Test                  
5     Carmentea-1         LLA-32             Ready to Test                  
6     Chacharo-1          Cerrero            Casing Well                    
7     Celtis-1            LLA-40             Tested 600 bopd                
8     Kananaskis-1        LLA-32             Tested 3,555 bopd              
9     Katmandu Norte-1    Cerrero            Rig mobilizing                 
10    Las Maracas-15      Los Ocarros        Spud after Arlequin            
11    Terranova-1         LLA-57             Drilling                       
12    Tigana Norte-1      LLA-34             Ready to Test                  
13    Tigana Sur Oeste-1  LLA-34             Preparing to spud              
14    Tigana Sur-2        LLA-34             Spud after Tigana Sur Oeste-1  
15    Tigana-2            LLA-34             Ready to Test                  
16    Tigana-3            LLA-34             Ready to Test                  

Akira (Operated, Cabrestero Block, WI 100%): Commissioning of the oil treatment
plan is underway. Akira-7 and Akira-8 which were drilled and cased during Q1
2014 are expected to be tested during Q2 2014. We also expect to re-start
production from Kitaro-1.

Arlequin (Operated, Cebucan Block, WI 100%): The Arlequin-1 exploration well has
reached its planned total depth is 15,300 feet and is being cased. This well
fulfills the current phase commitment.

Begonia (Operated, Block LLA-40, WI 50%): The Begonia-1 exploration well was
drilled to a depth of 9,458 feet. The Begonia-1 well was tested in the C7
Formation and naturally flowed 38.6 degrees API oil at a rate of 2,100 bopd with
a watercut of 0.6% and a choke of 3/8" at the end of the 6 day short term
testing period. We expect initial production to commence during Q2 2014. The
Berbena-1 exploration well, located 5 kilometers from Begonia was drilled but
did not recover commercial hydrocarbon volumes and is being converted to a water
disposal well for Begonia-1. 

Chacharo (Non-Operated, Cerrero Block, WI 25%): Parex participated in the
Chacharo-1 exploration well through its acquisition of Sorgenia. The well has
reached its total depth of approximately 13,650 feet and is being cased. 

Block LLA-32 (Non-Operated, WI 30%): The operator has concluded testing
operations in four zones in the Kananaskis-1 well. The Une Formation and two
zones in the Gacheta Formation were tested and each zone tested gas with minor
amounts of condensate. Parex plans to conduct further analysis to determine if
the hydrocarbons in the Gacheta Formation could be economically recovered. The
Mirador Formation tested an average of 3,555 bopd of 30 degrees API oil over an
8 hour period under natural flowing conditions with a final water-cut of 0.8%
and a total of 1,186 barrels of oil was recovered. An ESP has been installed to
start production from the Mirador Formation during Q2 2014. 

The Carmentea-1 and the Calona-1 exploration wells have been drilled and cased.
Testing operations have begun on Carmentea-1 and will then proceed to Calona-1.

Block LLA-57 (Operated, WI 100%): Parex has spud Terranova-1 and plans to
immediately drill a second exploration well on the block to fulfill the block
work commitments. 

Rumi (Operated, El Eden Block WI 60%): The Rumi-1 exploration well was drilled
in Q4 2013 and encountered oil bearing reservoirs in the Une formation. A long
term testing facility has been commissioned and production from the Une
Formation commenced in May 2014 at a rate of approximately 225 bopd. The
production performance of the Rumi-1 well will determine any future follow-up
drilling locations.

Tigana (Non-Operated, Block LLA-34, WI 45%): Tigana-2 and Tigana-3 appraisal
wells were drilled approximately 400 meters north-west and 900 meters west of
Tigana-1. Tigana Norte-1 was drilled approximately 1,300 meters northeast of the
Tigana-1 discovery well to delineate the structure along trend and outside of
the currently mapped 3P reserves area. In all three appraisal wells, log
analysis indicated oil potential in the Mirador and Guadalupe reservoirs. Each
well has been cased and we expect testing to be completed by the end of Q2 2014.

A new pad approximately 900 meters south of the Tigana Sur 1 well has been built
to delineate the southern portion of the Tigana structure and the first well,
Tigana Sur Oeste-1 has commenced drilling operations.

Tua (Non-Operated, Block LLA-34, WI 45%): Tua-7 and Tua-8 have been approved by
partners as the next delineation wells to be drilled in the Tua field during Q3

2014 Guidance Update 

To date in 2014, Parex has experienced strong appraisal and exploration drilling
results. We currently have 4 operated and 6 non-operated wells that have either
been tested and temporarily suspended, or are cased with favorable log results
and awaiting testing.(2) We have projected Q2 2014 production will be
19,000-19,500 bopd and we anticipate continued quarterly production growth
during 2014. At the end of Q2 2014 after assessing the initial production
results of its current inventory of 10 non-producing wells, Parex expects to:

--  update and increase its full year production guidance; 
--  revise its full year capital program in line with year-to-date
    exploration success, production growth, strong netbacks and addition of
    new properties; and 
--  release a mid-year independent reserve evaluation. 

(2) Operated: Akira-7, Akira-8, Begonia-1, Celtis-1; Non-operated: Tigana-2,
Tigana-3, Tigana Norte-1, Kananaskis-1, Calona-1, Carmentea-1. Additionally,
Parex expects Adalia-1 which was temporarily suspended due to community demands
to resume production during 2014.

Annual General Meeting

Parex will hold the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on May 13, 2014 at 10:30 am
(Calgary Time) at the Jamieson Place Conference Centre, third floor of the
Jamieson Place Tower, 308 - 4th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 0H7. The AGM
will be webcast at 

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell securities, nor is it a
solicitation of an offer to buy securities, in any jurisdiction. 

Advisory on Forward Looking Statements

Certain information regarding Parex set forth in this document contains
forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and
uncertainties. The use of any of the words "plan", "expect", "prospective",
"project", "intend", "believe", "should", "anticipate", "estimate" or other
similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will"
occur are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements
represent Parex's internal projections, estimates or beliefs concerning, among
other things, future growth, results of operations, production, future capital
and other expenditures (including the amount, nature and sources of funding
thereof), competitive advantages, plans for and results of drilling activity,
environmental matters, business prospects and opportunities. These statements
are only predictions and actual events or results may differ materially.
Although the Company's management believes that the expectations reflected in
the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future
results, levels of activity, performance or achievement since such expectations
are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political
and social uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors could cause Parex'
actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any
forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf of, Parex. 

In particular, forward-looking statements contained in this document include,
but are not limited to, statements with respect to the performance
characteristics of the Company's oil properties; supply and demand for oil;
financial and business prospects and financial outlook; results of drilling and
testing, results of operations; drilling plans; activities to be undertaken in
various areas; capital plans in Colombia and exit rate production; plans to
acquire and process 3-D seismic; timing of drilling and completion; and planned
capital expenditures and the timing thereof. In addition, statements relating to
"reserves" or "resources" are by their nature forward-looking statements, as
they involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions
that the resources and reserves described can be profitably produced in the
future. The recovery and reserve estimates of Parex' reserves provided herein
are estimates only and there is no guarantee that the estimated reserves will be

These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and
uncertainties, including but not limited to, the impact of general economic
conditions in Canada, Colombia and Trinidad & Tobago; industry conditions
including changes in laws and regulations including adoption of new
environmental laws and regulations, and changes in how they are interpreted and
enforced, in Canada, Colombia and Trinidad & Tobago; competition; lack of
availability of qualified personnel; the results of exploration and development
drilling and related activities; obtaining required approvals of regulatory
authorities, in Canada, Colombia and Trinidad & Tobago; risks associated with
negotiating with foreign governments as well as country risk associated with
conducting international activities; volatility in market prices for oil;
fluctuations in foreign exchange or interest rates; environmental risks; changes
in income tax laws or changes in tax laws and incentive programs relating to the
oil industry; ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external
sources; the risks that any estimate of potential net oil pay is not based upon
an estimate prepared or audited by an independent reserves evaluator; that there
is no certainty that any portion of the hydrocarbon resources will be
discovered, or if discovered that it will be commercially viable to produce any
portion thereof; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the
Company. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not
exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors that could effect
Parex's operations and financial results are included in reports on file with
Canadian securities regulatory authorities and may be accessed through the SEDAR
website (

Although the forward-looking statements contained in this document are based
upon assumptions which Management believes to be reasonable, the Company cannot
assure investors that actual results will be consistent with these
forward-looking statements. With respect to forward-looking statements contained
in this document, Parex has made assumptions regarding: current commodity prices
and royalty regimes; availability of skilled labour; timing and amount of
capital expenditures; future exchange rates; the price of oil; the impact of
increasing competition; conditions in general economic and financial markets;
availability of drilling and related equipment; effects of regulation by
governmental agencies; receipt of all required approvals for the Acquisition;
royalty rates, future operating costs, and other matters. Management has
included the above summary of assumptions and risks related to forward-looking
information provided in this document in order to provide shareholders with a
more complete perspective on Parex's current and future operations and such
information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Parex's actual results,
performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or
implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can
be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements
will transpire or occur, or if any of them do, what benefits Parex will derive.
These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this document and
Parex disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or
otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

Neither the TSX nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in
the policies of the TSX) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of
this release.

Parex Resources Inc.
Michael Kruchten
Vice-President Corporate Planning and Investor Relations
(403) 517-1733

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Grafico Azioni Parex Resources (TSX:PXT)
Da Gen 2024 a Gen 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Parex Resources